Product Of The Sum And Difference Of Two Terms Example

Product Of The Sum And Difference Of Two Terms Example

examples of product of sum and difference of two terms​

Daftar Isi

1. examples of product of sum and difference of two terms​

Examples of product of sum and difference of two terms with solution​:

(x + y)(x - y)

(x)(x) + (x)(-y) + (y)(x) + (-y)(y)

x² - xy + xy - y²

= x² - y²

(x + 2)(x - 2)

(x)(x) + (x)(-2) + (2)(x) + (2)(-2)

x² - 2x + 2x - 4

= x² - 4

(2x - 5)(2x + 5)

(2x)(2x) + (2x)(5) + (-5)(2x) + (-5)(5)

4x² + 10x - 10x - 25

= 4x² - 25

(4x + 5y)(4x - 5y)

(4x)(4x) + (4x)(-5y) + (5y)(4x) - (5y)(-5y)

16x² - 20xy + 20xy - 25y²

= 16x² - 25y²

Other examples:

(3x + 5)(3x - 5)(10x + 3y)(10x - 3y)(8x + y)(8x - y)(x + 15y)(x - 15y)


2. explain how to find the product of the sum and difference of the two term. give an example;

 Answer : To find the product and difference of two terms just multiply the first                        term by the first term then second  term by second term.
            Ex.(  2x - 5 )  ( 2x + 5 )  = 4x^2 - 25

3. 1. How will you find the product of binomial sum and difference of two terms? Write the step by step process.2. Give an example of binomial sum and difference of two terms and find the product.3. Apply the rules of binomial sum and difference of two terms to multiply (103) X (97).Ibrabrainliest ko po yung nasagot Lahat at maayos yung answer​


1. Ang produkto ng binomial sum at pagkakaiba ay katumbas ng parisukat ng unang termino na binawas ang parisukat ng ikalawang term

2. Ang produkto ng binomial sum at pagkakaiba ay katumbas ng parisukat ng unang termino na binawas ang parisukat ng ikalawang term. Mga halimbawa ng nagtrabaho sa produkto ng kabuuan at pagkakaiba ng dalawang binomial: 1. Hanapin ang produkto (2x + 7y) (2x - 7y) sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng pagkakakilanlan.

3.Mga Espesyal na pattern para sa pagpaparami ng mga binomial SUM AND DIFFERENS (a + b) (ab) = a² - b² (x +2) (x - 2) = x² -4 "O & I" kanselahin ang FOIL SQUARE NG ISANG BINOMIAL (a + b) ² = a² + 2ab + b² (2x + 3) ² = (2x) ² + 2 (2x) (3) + (3) ² = 4x² + 12x + 9 (a - b) ² = a² - 2ab + b2 (x - 5) ² = (x) ² - 2 (x) (5) + (5) ² = x² -10x + 25

Step-by-step explanation:

4. — Give 2 examples of product of the sum and difference of two terms and answer the following questions.1. ___________________how do come up with answer?what process do you use?2. ___________________how do come up with answer?what process do you use?( nonsense=report )— help pls! ​

1 by using addition and subtraction

2 addition and subtraction

5. #Respect_the_answer_please1. What is the square of the given binomial(2j - 5)?A. 4;2 - 20;2 + 25C. 4j4 - 20j? - 25B. 4j2 - 20j + 25D. 4j2 - 20j - 252. Which of the following is NOT belong to a special product?A Cube of a BinomialC. Product of Two BinomialB. Multiply TrinomialD. Square of a Binomial3. What is the second term in the square of binomial (4k + 81)??A. -32 klB. 32 klC. -64klD. 64kl4. The expressions (mn + 3)(mn - 3) is an example ofA. Cube of a BinomialC. Sum and Difference of BinomialB. Product of Two Binomial D. Square of a Binomial5. Simplify: (d - 3p)(d + 3p) using FOIL method.C. d2 + 9p?B. d2 – 9p?D. d +9p?A. d2 - 9p​​







Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

6. 1. It is the result when you multiply two quantities. a. Sum b. Difference C. Product d. Quotient 2. It is a mathematical phrase with a minimum of two numbers and at least one math operation either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. a. Factor b. Expression C. Term d. Constant 3. Which of the following is an example of expression? a. 5 b. 12x C.X + y = 3 d.x-7help​


1. A

2. B

3. D

Step-by-step explanation:

multiplication- product

7. 1. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.1. The product of (x+1)(x+5) is x2+6x+5.2. The middle term of the expression y²-2y+1 is -2y.3. The last term of the product of (a-2) ( a-3) is -6.4.( m+1) (m+1) is equal to m2 +m +1.5.(x-3) (x+3) is an example of a square of a binomial.6. The product of the first term in the expression (x2-2)(x+2) is x?.7. The product of the expression (2x+1)(x-2) is a trinomial.8. The product of the sum and difference of two terms is always abinomial.9. 62-2b-8 is the product of (b+2)(b-4).10. The product of (2x-3) (2x+3) is a binomial.​



Step-by-step explanation:

8. Guys,can you help me?.Can you give example and answer of your example in product of sum and difference of two terms...plssss guys.I need that now.If you know this,just comment your answer.Xie Xie!^_^

For example, we have...
(a - b)(a + b)
... their product is simply the difference of the square of the first term and the square of the second term.
Therefore, we'll have, a^2 - b^2
Another examples...
(5x + 10)(5x - 10) = 25x^2 - 100
(2x + y)(2x - y) = 4x^2 - y^2
(1/4x + 1/2y)(1/4x - 1/2y) = 1/16x^2 - 1/4y^2e.g.
1.) (x-6)(x+6)
2) (a-12)(a+12)

9. give me 2 examples of each with complete solution. 1.multifling polynomials by monomials. 2.product of two binomials . 3.sum and difference of two similar binomial. 4.square of binomials. 5.cubes of a binomials. 6.greatest common monomial factor. 7.quadratic trinomial. 8.difference of two cubes. 9.different square trinomials. 10.sum and different of 2 terms.



10. res:1. Take the square roots of the two terms.2. Write the product of the sum and difference of the square roots.tive Example:​


3take 4hours squares

Step-by-step explanation:

because i believe square is possible terms to square root. Inay thank you



11. C. MELC'S: Uses models and algebraic methods to find the: (a) product of two binomials; (b) product of the sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a binomial and a trinomial. Write the pattern of the Special Products and give one example in each pattern. Describe Special Products Square of a Binomial Square of a trinomial Sum & Difference of two Binomials Cube of a Binomial The Hamburger ParagraphWrite the pattern of. the example in each pattern.advance thankyou!​


The Special Products are algebraic techniques that are used to find the product of two or more terms. The Special Products include:

(a) The product of two binomials: This is the product of two algebraic expressions that each have two terms. For example, the product of (x+y) and (a+b) is (x+y)(a+b) = xa + xb + ya + yb.

(b) The product of the sum and difference of two terms: This is the product of an algebraic expression that is the sum of two terms and another expression that is the difference of the same two terms. For example, the product of (x+y) and (x-y) is (x+y)(x-y) = x^2 - y^2.

(c) The square of a binomial: This is the product of a binomial and itself. For example, the square of (x+y) is (x+y)^2 = x^2 + 2xy + y^2.

(d) The cube of a binomial: This is the product of a binomial and itself twice. For example, the cube of (x+y) is (x+y)^3 = x^3 + 3x^2y + 3xy^2 + y^3.

(e) The product of a binomial and a trinomial: This is the product of an algebraic expression that has two terms and another expression that has three terms. For example, the product of (x+y) and (a+b+c) is (x+y)(a+b+c) = xa + xb + xc + ya + yb + yc.

In the Special Products, the pattern is to multiply the terms of one expression by the terms of the other expression, resulting in a new expression with the sum of the product of each pair of terms. For example, in the product of two binomials, the pattern is to multiply each term of the first binomial by each term of the second binomial, resulting

Step-by-step explanation:


12. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.1. What is the square of the given binomial(2j - 5)?A. 4,2 – 20j2 + 25C. 4j4 – 20j2 – 25B. 4j2 – 20j + 25D. 4j2 - 20 - 252. Which of the following is NOT belong to a special product?A. Cube of a BinomialC. Product of Two BinomialB. Multiply TrinomialD. Square of a Binomial3. What is the second term in the square of binomial (4k +81)??A. -32klB. 32klC. –64klD. 64k!4. The expressions (mn + 3)(mn – 3) is an example ofA. Cube of a BinomialC. Sum and Difference of BinomialB. Product of Two Binomial D. Square of a Binomial5. Simplify: (d - 3p)(d + 3p) using FOIL method.A. d2 – 9pC. dº +9pB. d? – 9p?D. d + 9p26. Simplify: (ls + 8)(ls - 8).A. 12s – 64B. ls2 + 64C.1252 - 64 D. 1282 + 647. Find the product of(5h - 5)(h – 3), using FOIL method.A. 5h2 + 20h + 15C. 5h2 - 20h + 15​


1 d

2 b

3 d

4 c

5 a

6 b

7 c


hope it helps you ❤️

13. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before thenumber.1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a special product?A. 2x (7x - 3x?)C. (m + n)B. (x+y)(x - y)D. (p + q (p + q)(p +9)2. Which of the following algebraic expressions represents a square ofbinomial?A. (m + n)C. (P +9)(+9)(p +9)B. (0-p)D. 2x (7x - 3x?)3. Which of the following algebraic expressions represents a cube of binomial?A. (m + n)?C. ( + k + k + k)B. (0-p)D. 3r*(8x - 4x)4. Which of the following is the sum and difference of the two terms?A. 2x(6x - 9x)C. (m + n)?B. (x + y)(x-y)D. (rn + 9) (m + r)(m + s)5. What is the product of (b+y)(b-y)?A b² + y² B. b[b+y)C.b? - yD. b? - y?6. The expressions (x+y)(x-y) is an example ofA. Cube of a binomialC. Square of a trinomialB. Square of a binomialD. Sum and difference of two terms7. Simplify: (4c + 2d)(40 - 2d)A. 1602 + 4dC. 8c2 + 4dB. 16c2-4d2D. 8c24d8. Which expression is equivalent to (a + b)(3a - 2b)?A. 3a2 + ab - 2b2C. 3a* + 5ab - 2bB. 3a2-ab- 2b2D. 3a - ab + 2b9. Simplify: (2+5)A z" + 10z +25C.2? + 10% - 25B. 22-10z + 25D. 2° -102 - 25​


1. D









Step-by-step explanation:

CarryOnLerning# Pa brightness pO

14. (x + 1)(x + 2) is an example of what special product a) Product of two binomialsb) product of the sum and difference of two termsc) square of a binomial d) cube of a binomial​


a.Product of two binomials

beacause they are binomials and multiplication is the mathematical operation

15. True Or False1. Greater than is used in equation.2. The product of sum and difference of two binomial.3. Inequality is a mathematical sentence that shows two unequal quantities.4. Equation always used in equal sign.5. The second term for the product of the cube of binomial is the cube of the cube of the first term of the given.6. The product of square of binomial is a trinomial.7. Less than or equal to is used in inequality.8. (x - 4) times (x - 4) is an example of sum and difference of two terms.9. 2y + 5 is an example of either equation and inequality.​


1. false 6. true

2. false 7.false

3.true 8.true

4.true 9.false



i hope its help

16. Subtract the sum of (7a + 3b - 4c) and (-4a + 3b + c) from (8a + 7b + 10c). * 1 point -5a - b - 13c 5a + b + 13c 11a + 6b + 7c 3a + 3b + 5c What is the sum of (3y² + y³ – 5) and (4y² – 4y + 2y³ + 8)? Hint: Arrange the terms in descending order then solve. * 1 point 4y² + 3y³ – y + 3 3y³ + 7y² – 4y + 3 -y⁴ + 2y³ – y – 4 4y³ + 3y² – 3y + 1 What is the product of 3x² (x³ – 2x²)? * 1 point 3x⁶ - 5x⁴ 3x⁶ + 6x⁴ 3x⁵ + 5x⁴ 3x⁵ – 6x⁴ Find the difference: (2r² + 6r + 7) – (3r² + 5r +8). * 1 point r² + r + 1 -r² + r – 1 r² – r – 1 r² + r – 1 (4x – 5 + 3x²) less than (3 – 2x + 2x²) is equal to Hint: Arrange the terms in descending order then solve * 1 point x² + 6x + 8 -2x² + 11x - 4 -x² – 6x + 8 2x² + 5x – 7 Which of the following is the simplest form of the expression (a²b³)(a³b²)? Hint: Add the exponents of the same variable then simplify by following the law of exponent (aᵐ)ⁿ = a⁽ᵐ⁾⁽ⁿ⁾ example: 1. (y²)³ = y⁶ 2. (2ab)³ = 2³a³b³ = 8a³b³ * 1 point (ab)⁶ (ab)³ (ab)⁵ (ab)⁴ What is the other factor of 6x³ + 8x if one of the factors is 2x? Hint: (6x³ + 8x) ÷ 2x * 1 point 4x + 4 4x² + 4x 3x + 4 3x² + 4 Which is NOT correct in the given equations? Hint: Apply the special products * 1 point ( x + y)(x² – xy + y² ) = x³ – y³ (x + y)² = x² + 2xy + y² ( x + y)(x – y) = x² – y² (x - y)³ = x³ – 3x²y + 3xy² – y³ What is the product of a Square of Binomial? * 1 point Monomial and Binomial Perfect Square Trinomial Sum and Difference of Two terms Binomial with Similar terms The length of a rectangle is x – 7 and the width is x + 7. Find the area of the rectangle. Hint: A = lw * 1 point x² – 49 x² – 14x – 49 x² + 14x – 49 x² + 49


**The sum of (3y² + y³ – 5) and (4y² – 4y + 2y³ + 8) is 7y³ + 6y² – 4y + 3.

**The product of 3x² (x³ – 2x²) is 3x⁵ - 6x⁴.

**The difference between (2r² + 6r + 7) and (3r² + 5r +8) is -r² - r -1.

**The expression (4x – 5 + 3x²) less than (3 – 2x + 2x²) is equal to -2x + 4 < 0, or 2x > -4.

**The simplest form of the expression (a²b³)(a³b²) is a⁵b⁵.

**The other factor of 6x³ + 8x if one of the factors is 2x is 3x² + 4x.

**4x + 4 is not a correct equation.

**The product of a Square of Binomial is x² + 2xy + y².

**The area of the rectangle is A = (x - 7)(x + 7) = x² - 49.

**The expression x² + 49 is NOT correct. The other three expressions are correct.

17. B. Referring to each pair in letter A, do the following A. Find the sum of each pair of radicals. B. Subract the first radical from the second radical. C. Find the product of each pair of radicals. D. Divide the second radical by the first radical. Eto answer nyan oh! Answer: A. 1. , 6. , 2. , 7. , 3. , 8. , 4. , 9. , 5. , 10. , B. A. Find the sum of each pair of radicals. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. B. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. C. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. D. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Step-by-step explanation: We can reduce the radicand by expressing the radicand as factors of two numbers, such that, one of the numbers is a perfect square. This can only be done provided that the radicand is not a prime number, since the prime numbers have factors 1 and themselves only. Steps in Reducing Radicals Make sure that the radicands are not prime numbers. Express the radicands as a product of two or more numbers, such that, two or more numbers are a perfect square. Rewrite it as a product of different radicals. Simplify the perfect square. For example, . We know that is not a prime number and we can find two factors which are 3 and 9. The number 9, in this case, is a perfect square. We can now rewrite it as a product of two different radicals and simplify the perfect square. Thus, the reduced form of is . Techniques to determine if the radicals are similar The radicand values are the same. You can treat them as variables Regardless of any constant outside of the radical, still what matters is the value inside the radical term. We can say that they are the same if the terms under the radical symbol are the same. For example, and are considered as similar terms. Techniques to Multiply radicals Multiply the constants outside the radical terms. Multiply the terms under the radical symbol and keep the root.












sorry di ko din alam sagot eh

18. 2nd Quarter Week 6Learning TasksA. Describe the product of the following. Give an illustrative example,1. Product of Two Binomials4. Cube of a Binomial2. Product of a Sum and Difference ofTwo Terms5. Product of a Binomial and a Trinomial3. Square of a Binomial​

in the answer your questions music missing your questions music missing your questions music missing your questions about

19. All infinite sequence has a series. *TrueFalseAn arithmetic series is the sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence. *TrueFalse*Captionless ImageTrueFalseThe sequence 3, 7, 11, 15, ... , 63, 65 is an example of an infinite arithmetic sequence. *TrueFalseThe geometric mean of two numbers is the square root of their product. *TrueFalse*Captionless ImageTrueFalseThe common difference in the arithmetic sequence 2, 5, 8, 11, ... is -3. *TrueFalseThe common ratio is the ratio between the term and its preceded term. *TrueFalseSeries is the sum of various numbers of a sequence. *TrueFalseA sequence is arithmetic when the difference between any two terms is constant. *TrueFalse​


1. True

2. True


4. True

5. True


7. False

8. True

9. True

10. False

20. 6. Which of the following expressions when simplified is equal to 1? A. x³y⁰ B. 7xayo C. 7+xoyo D. (7xy) 7. Which of the following is an example of perfect square trinomial? A. 4x2+12x+9 B. 4x2 +12x -9 C. 9x2 +6x+9 D. 4x2+6x+9 8. Which is not a product of the sum and difference of two terms? A 25x2-9 B. 16x2-4 C. 9x2-3 D. 100x2-100 9. One of the factors of 3y2 + 10y - 8 is y + 4. What is the other factor? A. 3y - 2 B. 3y - 4 С. Зу +2 D. 3y + 4 - lifu 12v L42​


6) B

7) C

8) A

9) B

#Carry on learning

I hope it's help ^_^


Step-by-step explanation:

Зу +2 D. 3y + 4 - lifu 12v L42​

21. 1. It is a constant or a fixed number that can be multiplied to the previous term to get the next term of geometric sequence. common term b. common difference c. common ratio d. common denominator 2. What is the formula used in finding the nth term of a geometric sequence? a. An = A: + (n-1)d b. An = Arp-1 c. An = A.. (n-1) + d d. A, = A+ pp-1 3. What is the 8th term of the sequence -1, 1,-1, ... a. -1 b. 0 c. 1 d. 2 4. The following are examples of Geometric sequence EXCEPT: a. 3, 6, 9, 12 6.4, 8, 16, 32 c. 2, 6, 18, 54 d. 1, 4, 16, 64 _5. In the sequence 4, 12, 36, 108, what is the common ratio? a. 3 b.4 C. 8 d. 324 6. What is the difference between arithmetic and geometric sequence? a. Arithmetic sequence is a pattern while geometric is not. b. Arithmetic sequence has a common ratio while geometric has a common difference. C. Arithmetic sequence has a common difference while geometric has a common ratio. d. Arithmetic and geometric sequence is just the same. _7. Given the geometric sequence, 2, -6, 18, ..., what is the common ratio? a. -1/3 b. 1/3 c.-3 d.3 _8. Using the geometric sequence given in item number 7, find the 5th term of the sequence. a. -54 b. 54 C.-162 d. 162 9. A certain type of bacteria doubles every hour, if the original number of bacteria is fifteen, how many bacteria will be their after 6 hours? a. 120 b. 240 C. 480 b.960 _10. Which of the following is true about common ratio? a. It is the sum between two consecutive terms in a sequence. b. It is the difference between two consecutive terms in a sequence. c. It is the product between two consecutive terms in a sequence. d. It is the quotient between two consecutive terms in a sequence. 11. List the first four terms of the geometric sequence given that the first term is 4 and the common ratio is -1/3. a. 4,4/3,4/9,4/27 b. 4,-4/3,4/9,-4/27 c. 4, -12, 36, -144 d. 4, 12, 36, 144 12. What is the common ratio of the geometric sequence 72, -24, 8, -8/3? a. -1/3 b. 1/3 C.-3 d. 3 13. Which of the following sequence is classified as a geometric sequence? a. 1,-3, -9, 27 b. 2,4,-8,-16 c. 2, 10, 50, 250 d. 4, 8, 12, 16 14. Find the 7th term of the geometric sequence given that the first term is and the common ratio is -2. a. - 16 b. 32 C. -32 d. -64 15. Find the missing terms in the sequence: 4, -__2500, 12500. a. 20, 80, 320 b. 20, 50, 100 c. 20, 100, 500 d. 32, 160, 800 Pa help po plss need ko na po


1.) B

2.) C

3.) B

4.) A

5.) D

22. the expression (x+5) (x-5) is an example of a. square of a binomial b. cube of a binomial c. square of a trinomial d. sum and difference of two termwhich of the following is not a special product a. (a+b) (a+b)b. (a-b) (a-b) c. (a-b) (a+b)d. (a•b) (a•b) ​


The expression (x+5) (x+5) is an example of

a. square of binomial

Which of the following is not a special product

c. (a-b) (a+b)

Step-by-step explanation:

Just correct me if I'm wrong, and please use some appropriate words in correcting. Thank you!

23. C. Product of Two BinomialD. Square of a Binomial1. What is the square of the given binomial(2j – 5)?A. 4j2 - 20j2 + 25C. 4j4 – 20j2 – 25B. 4j2 – 20j + 25D. 4j2 – 20 – 252. Which of the following is NOT belong to a special product?A. Cube of a BinomialB. Multiply Trinomial3. What is the second term in the square of binomial (4k + 81)??D. 64klA. -32klB. 32klC. -64kl4. The expressions (mn + 3)(mn - 3) is an example ofA. Cube of a BinomialC. Sum and Difference of BinomialB. Product of Two BinomialD. Square of a Binomial5. Simplify: (d - 3p)(d + 3p) using FOIL method.C. d2 + 9p2D. d + 9p?6. Simplify: (ls +8)(ls - 8).A. 125 - 64B. Is2 + 64C. 1252 - 64D. 1252 + 647. Find the product of(5h – 5)(h – 3), using FOIL method.A. 5h2 + 20h + 15C. 5h2 – 20h + 15A. d? – 9pB. d2 – 9p2​









Step-by-step explanation:

the product


1. What is the square of the given binomial(2j – 5)?

A. 4j2 - 20j2 + 25

C. 4j4 – 20j2 – 25

B. 4j2 – 20j + 25

D. 4j2 – 20 – 25

2. Which of the following is NOT belong to a special product?

A. Cube of a Binomial

B. Multiply Trinomial

3. What is the second term in the square of binomial (4k + 81)??

D. 64kl

A. -32kl

B. 32kl

C. -64kl

4. The expressions (mn + 3)(mn - 3) is an example of

A. Cube of a Binomial

C. Sum and Difference of Binomial

B. Product of Two Binomial

D. Square of a Binomial

5. Simplify: (d - 3p)(d + 3p) using FOIL method.

C. d2 + 9p2

D. d + 9p?

A. d? – 9p

B. d2 – 9p2

6. Simplify: (ls +8)(ls - 8).

A. 125 - 64

B. Is2 + 64

C. 1252 - 64

D. 1252 + 64

7. Find the product of (5h – 5)(h – 3),using FOIL method.

A. 5h2 + 20h + 15

C. 5h2 – 20h + 15

24. give patterns and exampleof1. square of binomial2. product of the sum and difference of two terms3. square of trinomial4. cube of binomial5. product of a binomial and trinomial of the terms (2+b) (a squared + ab + b squared​

1. Square of a Binomial

[tex] {(x + y)}^{2} = {x}^{2} + 2xy + {y}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]{(x - y)}^{2} = {x}^{2} - 2xy + {y}^{2} [/tex]


[tex] {(3x + 4)}^{2} = {9x}^{2} + 24x + 16[/tex]

[tex] {(6x - 2y)}^{2} = 36 {x}^{2} - 24xy + 4 {y}^{2} [/tex]

2. Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Terms

[tex](x + y)(x - y) = {x}^{2} - {y}^{2} [/tex]


[tex](2x + 5y)(2x - 5y) = {2x}^{2} - {5y}^{2} [/tex]

3. Square of a Trinomial

[tex] {(x + y + z)}^{2} = {x}^{2} + {y}^{2} + {z}^{2} + 2xy + 2xz + 2yz[/tex]


[tex] {(2x + 3y + 5z)}^{2} ={4x}^{2} + {9y}^{2} + {25z}^{2} + 12xy + 20xz + 30y[/tex]

4. Cube of a Binomial

[tex] {(x + y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} + 3 {x}^{2}y + 3x {y}^{2} + {y}^{3} [/tex]


[tex]{(4x + 6y)}^{3} = 64 {x}^{3} + 288 {x}^{2} y + 432x {y}^{2} + 216 {y}^{3} [/tex]

5. Product of a Binomial and Trinomial

[tex](x + y)(x + y + z) = {x}^{2} +2xy+xz+ {y}^{2} +yz[/tex]


[tex](2x + 3y)(2x + 3y + 4z) = {4x}^{2} +12xy+8xz+ {9y}^{2} 2+12yz[/tex]

25. 17. Which of the following is an example of the product of the sum and difference of two terms? A. 3(5x - 1) B. (x + 5)2 C. (x + 5)3 D. (x + 5) (x - 5) -​


palagay ko is D.

Step-by-step explanation:

sana maka tulung

26. 31. If the sum of two numbers is 11 and its product is 28 what are the numbers? A5 and 6 B. 19 and 9 C. 4 and 7 D. 10 and 1 32. Which of the algebraic expressions below refers to the product of the sum and difference of two terms? A. (x + 3)² B. x3 + 4x + 1 C.x² - 9 D. (x + 2) 33. If A = 2x + 3, B = x + 1 and C = 7x +4, What is the sum of A,B and C ? A. 10x + 8 B. 7x + 2 C. 9x + 8 D. 10x + 10 34. What is the sum of 10a and 5? A. 15a B. 10a + 5 C. 50a D. 5a 35. Which of the following is the area of the rectangular lot whose length is 5 and whose width is(x + 1)? A 5x + 5 B. 2x2 + 5 C. 5x + 1 D. 3 36. Which of the following is the simplified form of (32)(2)? A 66 B. 72 C. 36 D. 144 37. Which of the following is an example of algebraic phrase? A 3x + 5 = 3 B. 4x + 7 C. 5x + 3 = 9 D. 12x + 8 =7 38. Which of the following is an algebraic equation? A3x + 4 = 9 B. 5x + 7 C. 8x + 3>6 D. 10x +8pasagot po pls​


31. If the sum of two numbers is 11 and its product is 28 what are the numbers?

A. 5 and 6

B. 19 and 9

C. 4 and 7

D. 10 and 1

We will have two formulas, for sum and product.

11 = 1 + 10, 2 + 9, 3 + 8, 4 + 7, 5 + 6

28 = 1 x 28, 2 x 14, 4 x 7

Let's test first for addition.

4 + 7 = 11 ✔

And then, for multiplication.

4 x 7 = 28 ✔

Therefore, the numbers are 4 and 7.

32. Which of the algebraic expressions below refers to the product of the sum and difference of two terms?

A. (x + 3)²

B. x3 + 4x + 1

C.x² - 9

D. (x + 2)


I choose C because it is the final product of the "Product of the sum and difference of two terms".

33. If A = 2x + 3, B = x + 1 and C = 7x +4, What is the sum of A,B and C ?

A. 10x + 8

B. 7x + 2

C. 9x + 8

D. 10x + 10


Using addition, add their like terms.

(2x + 3) + (x + 1) + (7x + 4)

(2x + x + 7x) + (3 + 1 + 4)

= 10x + 8

34. What is the sum of 10a and 5?

A. 15a

B. 10a + 5

C. 50a

D. 5a


Using addition, add the like terms.

10a + 5 can no longer be added because it is simplified already.

35. Which of the following is the area of the rectangular lot whose length is 5 and whose width is(x + 1)?

A. 5x + 5

B. 2x2 + 5

C. 5x + 1

D. 3

Using substitution:

A = wl

A = (x + 1) 5

A = 5x + 5

36. Which of the following is the simplified form of (32)(2)?

A. 66

B. 72

C. 36

D. 144


None of the following choices, because if you multiply 32 and 2, the answer will be 64.

37. Which of the following is an example of algebraic phrase?

A. 3x + 5 = 3

B. 4x + 7

C. 5x + 3 = 9

D. 12x + 8 =7


It is also called algebraic expression.

38. Which of the following is an algebraic equation?

A. 3x + 4 = 9

B. 5x + 7

C. 8x + 3 > 6

D. 10x +8


Algebraic equation are a set of numbers and letters with the use of different operations and also equal sign.

27. 1. Direction: Study the given statements. Write Fact if it is correct and Non-Fact if not. Write the blank provided before each number. 1. If we add 2/7 and 5/8, we will get the sum of 11/14 2. In solving fractions, answer should always be reduced to lowest term 3. We will get the product of 4/9 if we multiply 5/6 by 6/9. 4. In subtracting dissimilar fraction, look first for the LCD or least commor change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions. 5. Cancellation method can be applied in dividing 7/9 by 14/22. 6. 10/13 divided by 5/8= 1 3/13. 7. In adding and subtracting decimals, digit should be arranged in co points should be aligned. 8. The sum of 0.175 and 1.65 is 0.340. 9.2.38 is the difference of 3.45 and 1.07 10. When we round off 3.356 to nearest hundredths, the answer is 3.3 11. Mixture is a combination of two or more substances present in vo 12. Sugar and water is an example of homogenous mixture. 13. Halo-halo is also an example of mhomogenous mixture.​


mejo Marami po mag lagay ka po mejo onte

28. 7. )What property do we used in multiplying polynomials?a. Reflexive Propertyb. Commutative Propertyc. Additive Inversed. Distributive Property8.) The expression (4a -7)(4a+7) is an example of_______.a. Sum and Difference of Two Termsb. Square of Binomialc. Cube of Binomiald. Square of Trinomial9.) How many terms does the product of Sum and Difference of Two Terms have?a. 1b. 3c. 2d. 4ASAP tenkchuu!​


7. D distributive property

8.D square of trinomial

9. C 2

29. MELC'S: Uses models and algebraic methods to find the: (a) product of two binomials, (b) product ofthe sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of abinomial and a trinomial.The Hamburger ParagraphWrite the pattern of the SpecialProducts and give one examplein each pattern.Describe Special ProductsSquare of a BinomialProduct of a binomial and trinomialSun & Difference of two BinomialsCube of a Binomialhamburger paragraph​

product of two binomials, product of the sum and difference of two terms,square of a binomials,cube of a binomials, product of a binomials and a trinomial

30. The expression (x +1) (x - 1) is an example ofa. square of a binomialb. square if a trinomialc. Product of sum and difference of two termsd. Cube of a binomial ​


The expression (x +1) (x - 1) is an example of

a. square of a binomial

b. square if a trinomial

c. Product of sum and difference of two terms

d. Cube of a binomial

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