How To Get Bir Form 2316 From Previous Employer

How To Get Bir Form 2316 From Previous Employer

how to accomplish BIR form​

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1. how to accomplish BIR form​


go to some Agency they will help you

2. how to write a authorisation letter to get my TIN number at BIR?​

TIN Registration Process for Individuals

Individuals are automatically assigned a tax identification number based on their Bank verification number (BVN) or National Identification Number (NIN).

STEP 1: Visit the verification portal – Joint Tax Board.

STEP 2: Select your date of birth.

STEP 3: Select your preferred search criteria (BVN, NIN or registered number) from the drop-down menu.

STEP 4: Enter the digit of the search criteria you selected in the previous step. e.g. if you selected BVN in STEP 3: enter your BVN digit.

STEP 5: Click the reCAPTCHA box to verify that you are not a robot.

STEP 6: Click search to get your TIN

TIN Registration Process for Non-individuals

Here are the TIN registration process for non-individuals (Companies, Enterprises, Cooperative societies, etc.)

STEP 1: Visit the verification portal (

STEP 2: Select the date of incorporation of your organization

STEP 3: Select your preferred search criteria (BVN, NIN or registered number) from the drop-down menu

STEP 4: Enter the number in the search criteria you selected in the previous step. e.g. if you selected BVN in step 3, enter your BVN digit. Note that the CAC registration number should be typed in BN1234 or IT1234 or RC1234 format.

STEP 5: Click the reCAPTCHA box to verify that you are not a robot.

STEP 6: Click search to get your TIN

How to verify TIN Pin

STEP 1: Visit

STEP 2: Select your preferred search criteria (BVN, NIN or registered number) from the drop-down menu

STEP 3: Enter the digit of the search criteria you have chosen. CAC registration number should be entered in BN1234 or IT1234 or RC1234 format.

STEP 4: Input the correct captcha image displayed

STEP 5: Click on search to verify your TIN pin.

3. 2316 divisible by 12?​



Step-by-step explanation:

You Can Multiply

193 × 12 = 2316



2316 ÷ 12 = 193

4. describe and explain when to use the BIR Form​


BIR means Bureau Of Internal Revenue,is an attached agency of the Department of Finance.It is tasked to assess and collect all national internal revenue taxes,fees,and charges and to enforce all forfeitures,penalties,and fines connected therewith

Hope this helps

5. The most prevalent form of the employment relationship is A. independent contractor C. temporary employee B. employer - employee D. employer - employer​


B. employer- employee :)

6. BIR collects taxes from households, businesses and properties TRUE OR FALSE​




HOPE IT HELPS #caryonlearning

7. How does employer-employee relationship differ from other personal relationships?​


-they differ in style of living

8. wht previous employer business name​


The company's name:

Employer Name: Ford motor Company


Yan lng alam ko sorry

9. it comes from the ways of bir means​

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is an attached agency of the Department of Finance. It is tasked to assess and collect all national internal revenue taxes, fees, and charges, and to enforce all forfeitures, penalties, and fines connected therewith.

10. Ask your parents and list down on how and where they get their monthly income? Are they paying taxes to BIR? If yes , how much? How they pay taxes to the government? Why we should pay taxes to the government?

Why we should pay taxes to the government?

It helps build the nation. We need to pay taxes so government can perform civil operations.

Without taxes, it's impossible for the government to run the country.

11. You have learned that being an applicant for a work immersion, or being a trainee or applicant for an employment needs to prepare different documents/credentials/requirements before being hired or accepted. You have alsolearned how to fill out needed forms as part of the documentary requirement of the employers before getting hired.​



Medical Examination

12. how do employers benefits from your demand?​


pls po patulong po kailangan ko rin po ng sagot



they get more salary and gets some tips if the employee did. great job


pa brainliest plsssss

13. authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others fromCOVID-19​


Stay home Clean your house and sanitizedWash your hands after work or playingif you want to go out wear a maskSOCIAL DISTANCING OR PHYSICAL DISTANCINGAlways bring alcohol or sanitizer alcohol


Stay home


because your safety in your home

14. what three did you learn from the previous module on rights and responsibilities of workers and employers?​


the right to say no to unsafe work. the right to be consulted about safety in the workplace. the right to workers compensation. the right to a fair and just workplace.


pa Brainliest po

15. What three things did you learn from the previous module on Rights & Responsibilitiesof Workers and Employers?​


pic po hindi po natin ma answeran pag walang pic

16. What three things did you learn from the previous module on Rights & Responsibilities of Workers and Employers?​


Fair recruitment practice.

Written particulars of employment (usually in the form of a contract)

Health and Safety.

Working Time Regulations and Holiday.

Minimum Wage.

Fair treatment which prevents claims of discrimination.

Your duty to consider requests for flexible working.

17. Question for an EmployerHow often do workers get breaksduring the day?​


The regular daytime work breaks include two 10-minute breaks and a 1-hour rest period, during which workers may leave the premises. Shift workers have 20-minute lunch break instead of the 1-hour break. During Saturdays and holiday eves, the employees enjoy an additional 10- minute breakExplanation:



The regular daytime work breaks include two 10-minute breaks and a 1-hour rest period, during which workers may leave the premises. Shift workers have 20-minute lunch break instead of the 1-hour break. During Saturdays and holiday eves, the employees enjoy an additional 10- minute break

18. how can job hunting counselors provide avenues for people to get necessary information and get employment that is suitable to a job hunter?​


Learn what makes a good CV and brush up on your interview skills to pivot your career in a changing market.

19. Why Does BIR require journal amd ledgers from the business​



Keeping a book of your business transactions is a requirement of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).  All purchases must be recorded accurately and submitted to the BIR on designated deadlines. Keep in mind that your book of accounts and registers, records, vouchers, and other supporting documents must be readily available and preserved accordingly in your office at all times. BIR may visit your workplace to check this out (Tax Mapping).

20. what three things did you learn from the previous module on rights & responsibilities of workers and employers?


make sure that work areas, machinery and equipment are kept in a safe condition. organise ways of working safely. provide information, instruction, training and supervision of employees so they can work safely. make sure that employees are aware of potential hazards.

Employers must give their employees a place to work and make sure they have access to it. They must give them the tools, equipment and other things they need to do their work. Employers must pay their employees the salary and benefits they agreed to, including vacation, paid holidays and other types of holidays.


yan lang po alam ko

21. What is taxpayer classification i and n in 0605 bir form?

I-individualN- non individual

22. Which of the following numbers below is divisible by 12? A.2316 B2816 C.4028 D.4215​



ayan di akoo syur

gamit ka calculator

Which of the following numbers below is divisible by 12? The divisibility rule of 12 states that a number is divisible by 12 if it is divisible by both 3 and 4.The divisibility rule of 3 states a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of all the digits is divisible by or a multiple of 3.The divisibility rule of 4 states a number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits is divisible by 4 or a multiple of 4.


A. 2316

2 + 3 + 1 + 6  = 12

16 is a multiple of 4 or divisible by 4

(16 / 4 = 4)

2316 is both divisible by 3 and 4.

Therefore, 2316 is divisible by 12.


Checking other numbers:

B. 2816

2 + 8 + 1 + 6 = 17

17 is not divisible by 3.

So the number is automatically not divisible by 12.

C. 4028

4 + 0 + 2 + 8 = 14

14 is not divisible by 3.

So the number is automatically not divisible by 12.

D. 4215

4 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 12

15 is not a multiple of 4 or divisible by 4.

(15 / 4 = 3.75)

So the number is automatically not divisible by 12.

23. why is self-employment the fastest growing form of employment in the world? pa help po​


Many entrepreneurs are the type of people that like to take control and make decisions. As a self-employed business owner you have the freedom to make decisions that shape the present and future for yourself and your family. Your destiny is in your own hands. As an employee, however, your financial status is intrinsically linked to the success of your employer.

24. employment application form description​


employment application form description


What is an employment application form? An application for employment is a form that asks candidates information about themselves to gauge whether they are a good fit for a job. If you require applications, candidates must submit them to apply for a job.


What is the purpose of an employment application form?

Job application forms are official forms which a company asks candidates to fill out when applying for a job. Unlike your CV, these forms allow employers to ask a specific set of questions – rather than letting jobseekers choose the format and content of their application themselves

What is employee application form?

An application for employment is a standard business document that is prepared with questions deemed relevant by employers. ... Most companies provide such forms to anyone upon request, at which point it becomes the responsibility of the applicant to complete the form and return it to the employer for consideration.

25. what three things did you learn from the previous module on Rights & Responsibilities of workers and Employers?​

make sure that work areas, machinery and equipment are kept in a safe condition. organise ways of working safely. provide information, instruction, training and supervision of employees so they can work safely. make sure that employees are aware of potential hazards.

Employers must give their employees a place to work and make sure they have access to it. They must give them the tools, equipment and other things they need to do their work. Employers must pay their employees the salary and benefits they agreed to, including vacation, paid holidays and other types of holidays.

26. 22. How will an employer get rid of an employee who is a pain in the neck because of​



27. Registration of _______________ and getting the necessary permits from city government, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and others would also require payment of fees.


where the pic I can't answer your question



28. how to know my BIR id no.

A taxpayer identification #(TIN)is issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue for employees in the public and private sector. Click for more government services and procedures.

29. if an employer work more than 8 hours per day, how do they get paid?


Overtime Pay


Overtime pay is an additional pay of 25% of the hourly rate for work done in excess of eight (8) hours. COLA is excluded from the computation. Burden of proof is on the employee to show he was duly authorized to do overtime work and in fact did such work.

30. What three things did you learn from the previous module on Rights & Responsibilitiesof Workers and Employers?​



make sure that work areas, machinery and equipment are kept in a safe condition. organise ways of working safely. provide information, instruction, training and supervision of employees so they can work safely. make sure that employees are aware of potential hazards.

Employers must give their employees a place to work and make sure they have access to it. They must give them the tools, equipment and other things they need to do their work. Employers must pay their employees the salary and benefits they agreed to, including vacation, paid holidays and other types of holidays.

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