Poem On Pollution

Poem On Pollution

Poem about pollution

Daftar Isi

1. Poem about pollution

My dear pollution
You are but a corrosion
You give us delusion
And you give us bad emotion

2. poem about pollution​





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pa brainliest

3. Tagalog poem about pollution


Translate monalang


The major kinds of pollution, usually classified by environment, are air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution. Modern society is also concerned about specific types of pollutants, such as noise pollution, light pollution, and plastic pollution

4. Make a simple poem about personal Pollution and how to avoid it. (2 paragraphs)


Avoid pollution

How to avoid pollution

clean the trash

put it in a trash can

love the grass by picking up the trash

clean the place

to have a peace

save mother earth to have healthy birth


not sure pero i think its ok

5. 1. What organism is mentioned in the poem?2. What is the effect of the noise we make?3. What do you think will happen to us if we continue to pollute soil, air and water​


the earht has been poluted

6. what is the poet's message in the poem "Hail polluters"


Hail region, which may make it lose its beauty, it's ... types of Air polluters.


which define that we must protect na beauty of our nature.

7. What's NewRead the poem. Then answer the following questionsCPOLLUTION2. What do you call when harmful substances contaminate astream, river, lake, ocean or other body of water?a. Water pollutionb. Air Pollutionc. Land Pollutiond. Noise PollutionPollution is the process of making land, water, air dirtyand not safe to useOne or more of the following characteristics areflammable, corrosive, toxic, or reactiveLand pollution, air pollution and water pollution are themajor kinds of pollutionLong-term exposure to air pollution can lead to chronicrespiratory disease, lung cancer and other diseasesUnsafe drinking water could cause allergies, cancer, orother problemsThe ozone layer depletion main cause is thechlorofluorocarbons or CFCsIt is a good idea to at least be aware of most of them tolimit one's exposureObey proper waste management like to reduce, reuse,recycle, repair and rotNever mind the hamful effects of the changes in ourenvironment, be responsible3. What happened to the surrounding air when it is blanketed withsmoke from factories and motorized vehicles?a. cleanb. pollutedc. unpollutedd. fresh4. What changes in the materials that is harmful to theenvironment?a. cutting of wood to be made into tableb. cutting and shaping lumber into chairc. cutting of fabric to be made into clothesd. throwing detergents into the sewageGuide questions:5.What would be the harmful effect to animals of continuous cuttingdown of trees without replacing it?1. What are the changes that may harm the environment?2. Give the major kinds of pollution.a. loss of habitatb. help stop climate changeC. supporting wildlifed. prevent soil erosion3. How can we prevent these harmful changes to our environment?​


Asan po yong poem


I need auh poem

8. Make a letter and poem addressing an owner of a factory, people whosmoke, or drivers of smoke-belching vehicles about their contributions to airpollution. Include the effects they give to the people and to the environment.The content of the letter must make them realize about their activities thatcontribute to the climate change.​

What is air pollution?

book defines as contamination of gases;

But is the definition this much only,

or you think there's some more, yes there is!

It is caused when the air balance,

of our atmosphere gets altered;

Mainly because it causes CO2 to increase,

and makes O2 blurred.

How is it caused?

by burning fuel, exhaust gas and pollutants in air;

Smokes, greenhouse gases,

and a bit of human error present there.

These were some man-made ones,

but we also have some natural reasons;

2 of these are the following,

forest fires and volcanic eruptions.

Air pollution has very bad effects,

like acid rains and global warming;

These are attacking our Earth,

and to us they are harming.

Air pollution can be controlled,

by washing factory smoke by jets of water;

By using CNG and less smoked fuels,

and spreading awareness between father, mother, son and daughter.

It's now completely our choice,

we need to choose the life we want;

Having trees and fresh air,

or letting pollution make our lives a haunt.


9. Need ko Poem about pollution four stanzas plss

A Choking Sky

Watching smoke stacks choke the sky
Always makes me want to cry.
I just can't help but wonder why
The factories won't even try
To find a safer, better way
To put their poisonous waste away.

-Oliver Hasta PCSHS studentwhat is pollution?
pollution everywhere can make our ozone layer thin.every second you make a pollution ,you are destroying yourself and the earth.You need to control your works to avoid any pollution and any problems in earth.If you are a real person then why would you destroy your own place?.Every second every time we need to make our life better

10. poem about pollution 4 stanza ​



I gazed up into the boundless skyline

Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine

Turn around pick up my sword and wield

The blade that one force evil mobs to

Yield and hope one day that this caos and destructions turn for the better

Why dont i have bow in hand that was when i rule the land



"we all need to

reduce our waste,

lets do it now,

with plenty of haste"

"our future,

must be sustainable,

we can do it,

it all attainable"

"about environment,

we need to care,

its the only one we can have,

and we have to share,

" as a team,

we'll reduce pollution,

caring is,

is the first solution"




11. Make a ten-line poem about Air pollution

the truth is I don't hate you

12. Activity 1.3 “CARE FOR ME”Objectives: Develop awareness on the effect of pollution in our environment.Directions: Create poem, slogan or poster on how you can help to preventEnvironmental Pollution.​


Look outside, see the trees.

Watch the flowers in the breeze.

Things won't be like this in a year or two

If polluting is all we do.

Seize the night,

Seize the day.

Things won't always be this way.

Thousands of people are dying.

In the night, you hear children crying.

Let's stop the war.

Our people are sore.

The world can't help itself.

Who cares about your wealth?

Help me to help you.

Show the world what you can do.

13. poem about pollution 4 stanzas please i need this for tomorrow ToT



"we all need to

reduce our waste,

lets do it now,

with plenty of haste"

"our future,

must be sustainable,

we can do it,

it all attainable"

"about environment,

we need to care,

its the only one we can have,

and we have to share,

" as a team,

we'll reduce pollution,

caring is,

is the first solution"




14. Make a ten-line poem about Air pollution


Title: Glimpse of a Polluted Future

Where are the birds that used to dot the sky?

They're not here anymore, and I have to wonder why.

Where are the fish that used to swim in this stream?

I can't see them anymore. What does that mean?

Where are the frogs that used to croak around this lake?

I can't hear them anymore. There must be some mistake.

I wish there was a clock whose hands I could rewind.

We might have saved these creatures if we'd just had more time.

Time to make people see how we're damaging our Earth,

Time to realize what it all was truly worth.

But the animals are disappearing at an alarming rate.

If we don't finally band together, it may really be too late.


(It's actually 12 lines) Good luck and Please follow!

15. what is the poet's message in the poem air pollution ​

Answer: his poems are creating awareness in the minds of the people effectively. The poem “Air Pollution” is about the air and how it is polluted by various activities. The poet notices how air pollution is caused by the errors and mistakes of human beings and also because of some natural disasters.

16. Questions:1. How does the poet describe the islands in the poem?A. crowdedB. denudedC. polluted2. What does the poet mean by the phrase paly breed?A. We are divided by culture.B. We are rich in natural resources.​


1.a Crowded

2.we are separated geographically


yan po ang sagot

sana po ma tolong

17. poem about pollution 3 stanza​


Look outside, see the trees.

Watch the flowers in the breeze.

Things won't be like this in a year or two

If polluting is all we do.

Seize the night,

Seize the day.

Things won't always be this way.

Thousands of people are dying.

In the night, you hear children crying.

Let's stop the war.

Our people are sore.

The world can't help itself.

Who cares about your wealth?

Help me to help you.

Show the world what you can do.

18. Pa answer po pls brainliest ko pag tama.Write a poem short poem about Noise Pollution​

pa brainliest po

Noise pollution impacts millions of people on a daily basis. The most common health problem it causes is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

Exposure to loud noise can also cause high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress.


yan po yung sagot hope it helps

19. pollution in manila bay poem​


Manila Bay Pollution

Pollution. Major environmental problems identified in Manila Bay include: deterioration of water quality; coastal erosion and siltation; overexploitation of fishery resources; degradation of habitats; and loss of biodiversity.

20. Need ko Poem about pollution four stanzas plss

In this country we may see
How people being dirty
Didn't see the importance
Of god's creation

21. create a poem about how to prevent environment al pollution​


Mother earth is getting polluted

Due to the wastes that are being diluted

Open our minds and be more awake

Each and everyone's lives are at stake

Say no to pollution,

Together we find a solution.

22. restate the poem in 5 sentece about glimpse of a polluted future


through the different media (print, broadcast,online) compare and contrast how one particular issue or news has been presented.

23. make a poem about to prevent water pollution asap thanks​

Water is the most important resource for survival on a planet. It is the essence of life on our planet – Earth. Yet if you ever see a river or lake around your city, it would be evident to you that we are facing a very serious problem of Water pollution. Let us educate ourselves about water and water pollution. Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, seventy-six perfect of your body is made up of water.

24. Make a conclusion on the message of the poem to us in Glimpse of a polluted future​


pa brainlest po please po

25. Choose one type of pollution then out from that chosen type of pollution, make a poem wherein each line starts with the type of pollution. Include the word pollution. For example you choose water pollution, your proem must contain 14 lines and each line must start with letters W, A, T, E, R, P, O, L, L, U, T, I, O, N. Content must be your learnings in this module.

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26. Write a poem about environment pollution environmental protection in FILILINO with RHYMING WORDS

No matter where we roan this Earth is our home.The birds in the sky,Watch them fly high.The fish in the sea,watch them as they swim happily.This planet is one of the kind another like it is hard to find.Let's do more than just plain wishing Let's make saving the planet out number 1 mission.We all can do our share for cleaner water and cleaner air.Our future doesn't have to be bleak if a clean green Earth is what we seek.

27. create short poem regarding ways to control/manage noise pollution​



Noise, Noise, Noise

That’s all I ever hear

It’s getting so loud and intrusive, that I begin to fear

How much more noise can my ears take

As I live in fear for my mental state

What happened to the bird song that I used to hear each day

The sound of waves upon the beach as excited children play

The chuff, chuff, chuff of steam trains, from a bygone time I loved

The cows a mooing

The sheep a bleating

And the cooing of a dove

I love to hear my blackbird as it sings both day & night                      

And even screeching seagulls surpass the din of a building site

With a noise that comes from traffic as it trundles through the town

I stay at home my windows shut clothed in my dressing gown

The noises and vibrations are the sounds of daily living

They make me stressed  

I feel so bad  

They are so unforgiving

I fear with all this noise pollution

There is no cure, there’s no solution

So to deafen the din drink a bottle of gin

And to stop my decline drink a bottle of wine

And by then everything will sound fine


So many trash around Now us people are drownedIn this world full of trashWhere cleanliness and dirt clash
We must stop pollutionWith our suggestions and solutionsSo we can finally live in a healthy placeThat we must also embrace

29. Ten lines Poem about Air Pollution


carbon manoxide


nitrogen oxides


partiiculate matter

sulfur dioxide

other air pollution


i hope it will help you

30. Below the surface by Celia BerrellNoise pollution: cars, machines.it's not as harmlessas it seemsthe call of every birdwon't travel faror can't be heard.it's song for some potential mateis stifled by the noise we make.and so it either moves away.1.what organisms mention in the poem?2. what is the effect of the noise we make3. what do you think will happen to us if we continue to pollute soil, air and water.​


1. Bird

2. The effects of the noise we make is that it may cause stress or lack of sleep.

3. We will only have few resources left to survive and that our world will be dirty.

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