High School Life Repablikan Lyrics

High School Life Repablikan Lyrics

Write a song lyrics that describe your high school life

1. Write a song lyrics that describe your high school life


whta cained of ques tune is that you haf to answer

2. Ano ang kahulugan ng high school life by republikan


Kanta iyon tungkol sa Highscool


ang dalawang mag aaral ay nag karoon ng pag iibigan sa isat isat

(mag aral ka lods alamin mupa ung iba)

3. what song lyrics that describe your high school life experience ​


the song title "High School Life"

this is the full lyrics. i don't know if pwede tagalog

High School Life / Sharon Cuneta

High school life, oh, my high school life

Every memory, kay ganda

High school days, oh, my high school days

Are exciting, kay saya

There are times, may problema ka

Kung ang homework, left undone

Pray ka lang, huwag tawagin ka

Upang 'di pagtawanan

High school love, my one high school love

Not infatuation or crush

Tunay 'to, siya ang buhay ko

'Di niya alam, ako'y nagba-blush

Bakit nga ba ang first love ko

Ay 'di serious, so it seems?

Kung alam lang ng first love ko

He is always in my dreams

Ang saya ng high school, same in yours and my school

'Di na mapapantayan

Tiyak ganiyan ang buhay na sadyang makulay

Alaala kailanman

High school life, oh, my high school life

Every memory, kay ganda

High school days, oh, my high school days

Are exciting, kay saya

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

Ang saya ng high school, same in yours and my school

'Di na mapapantayan

Tiyak ganiyan ang buhay na sadyang makulay

Alaala kailanman

High school life, oh, my high school life

Every memory, kay ganda

High school days, oh, my high school days

Are exciting, kay saya

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?

Bakit kung graduation na'y

Luluha kang talaga?

High school life, ba't ang high school life

Ay walang kasing-saya?


Their selections range from songs that conjure up personal memories to lyrics that just make them nostalgic.

4. A. Effects COVID19 to your high school life​


corona virus has cause many changes in dairy life in recent day


corona virus cause all of changes

5. my senior high school life would be​


goods because I have my friends

6. english poem for high school life​

Enjoy it have fun,

It may just be four years but time will sure run.

Every student entering High School hears that

At times you may be laughed at

At times you will be teased

Only because you are different and of you others are not pleased~

7. what is senior high school life


para kalang pumapasok sa pinakamaliit na butas Ng karayom

8. My high school life would be




basta nakaka stress


would be fun


School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the challenges of life. I love my school life and really enjoy it. I have lots of friends, and all my teachers love me. I love my school and enjoy going there every day to meet my friends and learn new things.

9. a poim telling the life of a high school learner.


A Thought about School

The difficulties of School is a subject which many have written about. Children are in some ways like savages, untrained in the ways of society. They may not stop to think whether it is wrong to torture other children. Students are often the target of emotional or physical bullying. Most schools have various groups or gangs of students that exclude all others. Yet, there is much good that children and teens do between each other. There is no question that school can be a difficult place to be and there is much to write about school life.

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/teen/school/

10. my senior high school life would be

Answer:My señior high school life would more challenging than before because of this new normal education our life is more complicated in studiying more students failing there grade because they did'nt know how to teach them sleves and also this señior high subject is more hard than juñior high school days.


11. my senior high school life would be​




always think possitive. trust on your self. and pray to god he will guide you

12. high school life speach ​

My school life memories and years essay, speech and paragraph. The essay includes primary, high school and college life memories, experiences, feelings and joys, first day and last of school life. The essay is for all 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 classes.

13. High school is the best time of your life


hindi beh ang hirap nga eh


carry on learning


7 reasons why school is the best time of your life

•You will laugh everyday. ...

•You make the best friends. ...

•You learn loads - outside of the classroom. ...

•You get the chance to try everything. ...

•Your “problems” are pretty much non-existent. ...

•You're allowed to be selfish. ...

•If all else fails someone else can clear up the mess.

14. what is the high school life experience​


my experience in high school was i'm happy and i enjoy my life with my classmate in my teacher and i learned everything from my teacher

15. High school life is the best… (rhyme)​


2 rhymes 2 rhymes lang ano game

16. a poem telling the life of a high school learner​


In highschool

You fell asleep

The hair falling in your face

Your lips agape

And eyes shut gently

What would you dream, this time

Would it be about lost loves

That could have been

Like late night bloggers

Or 4am writers

Maybe even the boy

In highschool

You always cracked a joke

And you always curled your lips

Always smiling and always laughing

Your bright white teeth glimmering

Like the northern lights

What caused your smile, this time

Was it your current love

The always texting

Or the never replying

Maybe the haven't talked in years

In highschool

You'd tell stories

Your eyes lighting up

And your smile big

Your heart beating rhythmically

What was this story about, this time

Was it about the faceless distant love

Or the fateful long love

Maybe even the past love

In highschool

You were the light of the day

No matter what

You dreamed

You smiled

And you told your stories

In highschool

You were strong when everything inside you was weak.

17. high school life best high school life​


enjoy ever moment with ypur friends

18. life as a senior high school students​


Its hard and there's a lot more activities. But I know you can do it. Just keep fighting <3

19. write the basic components of high school life


Study Hard

Enough rest


Good Physical and Mental Health

20. highlight scene in high school life


JS PROM is one of the most memorable scene in High School life.

21. grade 7 in high school life?

My life in Grade 7 is actually a good start 

22. similarities1. high school and collage life are _________________________________________________________​


Are so hard your always tired hayst



pakibrainliest po

become one with the sword

23. your high school life and other life experience​


Highschool life been my best experience in my life. i learn how to drink alcohol to cutting class with friends and many more experience it's not bad doing these in your hs life but you should know your limitations. as they say what is life if everything is good.

24. how to enjoy high school life?​


By trying to make new friends, Or do module as hard as u can and if u get a good grade your parents will be happy and u can buy smth cool and u can be a cool kid and then u have many friends.


My friend did that and it worked


1.Stretch your brain. Take a class that scares you at least once during high school. Don’t let preconceptions about the class or the teacher sway you from taking a class that you know you can do well in. Maybe you’ll decide to take an honors class instead of going the regular route; maybe you’ll opt for Chemistry AP when you’re done with your science requirement. The experience will definitely make you a stronger student and prepare you for future academic challenges. If you can face those challenges, if you can bring them on yourself and enjoy them, you will succeed.

2.Don’t sweat your grades too much. Getting a B here and there is not the end of the world. In fact, it’s kind of a good thing. I started college at a top university with straight A’s since seventh grade, and it was hard to deal with not being able to repeat that. I shied away from taking some harder courses I might have done well in because I was afraid of doing poorly. Now, I can fully accept that if I try my hardest in a class and get a B+, that is still something to be proud of.

3.Ask for help. Learn how to forge relationships with teachers and guidance counselors. Ask for help on a concept you’re trying to grasp after class, meet with your English teacher to talk about an upcoming essay. Getting comfortable with talking to teachers will help once you get to college. You will need help outside of class sometimes, and you have to be able to ask for it and interact with your professors. Relationships with them may help you get a job or get into grad school. Of course, your high school teachers will also likely write your college recommendations; it doesn’t hurt to get to know them early so they can have good things to say about you.

4.Find your own de-stress routine. Another essential skill to begin building in high school is how to manage work and stress. In college, you will not have homework to turn in every day, making sure you’re on track with what you’re supposed to be learning. A good deal of the learning will be up to you to complete on your own time. Inevitably, you will get behind and stressed out sometimes; knowing how to deal with that stress can make all the difference. Maybe you deal with stress by going for a run, or taking a break to watch a silly sitcom. Talk with a friend for a while or play with your dog. Find out what relaxes you and take short breaks from amounts of work that seem unmanageable to de-stress. You’ll find that it will be easily manageable.

5.Do something good. Volunteer. Not every day, not to fulfill a class requirement, not because you can use it on applications. Volunteer because it makes you feel good, and because you're a lot luckier than a lot of people out there. Make a once a month commitment at a daycare center; be an organizer for the annual holiday pageant at the Women's Shelter. Find time to give back. It'll put everything else into perspective and it’s a good habit to get into when you’re young.

25. how's the life of high school learners?​


Tired but happy with friends and classmates


every learner's life is tough, specially if you find yourself unable to cope with everything that the school requires you. but generally the life of a highschool learner is both bearable and manageable. unlike other learners who are now facing the higher levels of school education. highschool is like a scale that balances the fun and challenge between the past and the future. the fun from elementary years and the challenges to face in college years. it both prepares you for what is ahead and at the same time attaches you to the past. that is what the life of a highschooler is.

hope it helps u.


26. high school life story




ikaw anong story mo

27. title for your high school life ​


Hard Work


sometimes its hardd

28. simbolo ng high school life

isang posporo
isang litrato
Notebook — dahil isa ka sa pahinang nasa notebook. Kumbaga, silid ang cover, iyong parang karton back-to-back.

29. silarities high school and college life are​


9 Similarities Between High School and College

When ending high school, many people tell you that college is completely different and to expect a lot of changes. While there are many differences, such as moving away and the class schedule being a new adventure to master itself, there are a lot of similarities that make the adjustment not as scary as it seems to be.

1) The people are the same

everyone had someone on their lives

who isnt quite right in the head

No, not the people themselves, but the overall types of people remain the same. You going to meet the jocks, the nerds, the student government. And just like in high school, many of the people will overlap into other groups. Just find which click or squad with which you find most at home and you are good to go.

2) Clubs and Groups

Yes, there are many clubs on campus, even the small ones. They all cover many events and activities, from helping lead the school to chasing fake zombies and saving the campus from the Apocalypse. Most of the people who are in the club become best buds and tend to hang out outside of the club times. This is a good way also to meet new friends. Join the clubs! Get involved! It'll help in the long run.

3) The Teachers, now the Professors

Yes, even the teachers are almost the same; they still serve the same function and they want their students to pass. Despite not seeing them everyday at the same hour, they are there to teach and to help their students learn the material. There are some that many warn against and others that many will recommend to death. Just trust your own head and do as you see best. After all, some you will see every semester and others you will see only once.

4) The Upperclassmen, or the Guides to Survival

The upperclassmen have been through the Freshmen Trial and endured the transition. Let them act as a guiding tool to help answer any questions. While they may intimidate some for their ranking, they are people and may be easier to talk to than the teachers at times. They may be busy, but they can and may want to help. Just meet one and say hi.

5) Projects

A good reason why to make friends and befriend upperclassmen is projects. Every class has at least one and it can take a big chunk of time, effort, and ingenuity to complete and for a good reason. Most classes may take a project more than the test grade or just as much. Despite being evil and a time slayer, projects could be fun to do. Group projects may be a pain, especially if the others will not help, but you discover who you can trust with these projects.

6) Everything at once?!

The teachers know when nLaziness and Procrastination kill this 3-letter acronym. This was VERY important in high school, as it determines scholarships for college. It is still important, just not as major. It needs to be maintained for scholarships, passing to another upper-level class, yes, but that means that you can relax for some classes where a B or even a C is alright. But failing is NOT acceptable. The class that costs about $300 is not something to take lightly. Relax on it, but do NOT forget about it.

7) The fearful one: GPA

othing is going on, so they have a secret meeting and decide to assign everything at once. That seems to happen everywhere, no matter the insitution. This skill is good, as it tests focus, time skills, work efficiency, and most important, stress levels. Watch the stress! It can literally kill somebody, and not just physically.

8) Finals



30. high school life script​


i ask your parent or guardian

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