War On Drugs Essay

War On Drugs Essay

essay about war on drugs??

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1. essay about war on drugs??

There have been times in history when leaders would not have questioned their subjects’ rights to consume anything. It was understood that one should care for one’s own health as best as possible and damaging things went against that but it was up to the individual. Even suicide has at various points been seen as an honorable death that violated no laws or codes.

There are almost infinite things that can alter someone’s mood. Caffeine is a drug and can produce withdrawal symptoms if people who are addicted to it do not get an adequate dose on time. It is however an accepted drug like alcohol. A person can sip coffee in a public place without fear of being carted off to jail. Similarly, scientists have observed that consuming junk foods lights up certain pleasure centers of the brain that are quite similar to those affected by narcotics. There are also many people who have lost their lives due to complications associated with obesity, a side effect of junk food consumption. Does that make it a drug and should it be made illegal?

Equipping police officers to fight no violent drug users takes up money and manpower hours that could otherwise have been allocated to finding arms dealers, murderers and rapists. The opportunity cost of the spot occupied by a marijuana user in jail is fair greater than it appears on the surface.

Substance abuse has the ability to ruin lives. The abuse of any substance will do that but the problem in this case is not the substance, it is the addiction. Often people with hidden issues and emotional pain are the most vulnerable to addiction. They are trying to self medicate because they have not fully dealt with their problems. Often this is as a result of their ignorance of the resources they have available or the stigmatization of people with mental illnesses. By making them whole emotionally their desire to escape reality with chemicals will decline.

There have been cases where the decriminalization of certain drugs has resulted in an improvement in a region’s crime rates. One has only to look at prohibition era drug cartels to see the truth in that.

2. drug on war in the philippines [essay]

War On Drugs In Philippines

Philippines drug war, a battle is currently raging in the Philippines. A war against drugs is being fought, not one against another nation. The Philippines' current president, Rodrigo Duterte, has started a battle against drugs. Although harsh and ruthless, the campaign has been successful. Within the first six months of his campaign, Duterte claimed he would kill 100,000 drug users and traffickers. The government of the Philippines is fighting a drug war that is leaving thousands of people dead and instilling terror throughout the nation.

Because they attribute drug misuse to a recent outbreak of crime, including rape, theft, and robbery, the government of the Philippines is waging a war on drugs. There have been around 1,900 drug-related deaths since Duterte started his war, 600 of which are still under investigation. Given that Duterte pledged to eliminate 100,000 drug users and dealers from the streets within six months of the start of his campaign, this is nothing.

Therefore, i draw the conclusion that, in addition to waging this war on drugs, there are many other things we can do to end all crime in our nation. This war on drugs has an impact on some innocent people who shouldn't be punished. In conclusion, it may be beneficial if the government's true goal is to get rid of all drug users and pushers. We could benefit from living in a secure nation free of crime.

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3. essay about the nation war on drugs​


Nation war on drugs also causes a person to isolate themselves and have either intense or no food cravings. They stop taking care of their hygiene. Affects a person’s speech and experience hallucinations. They are unable to converse and communicate properly; they speak fast and are hyperactive. Those addicted have extreme mood swings. They can go from feeling happy to feeling sad quickly and are incredibly secretive. They begin to lose interest in activities they once loved. Substance abusers also undergo withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms refer to the symptoms that occur when they stop taking the drug. Some withdrawal symptoms include nausea, fatigue, and tremors. They stop and starting using again, an endless cycle that could be life-threatening. Can be fatal if not treated timely. It can cause brain damage and seizures as well as overdose, heart diseases, respiratory problems, damage to the liver and kidneys, vomiting, lung diseases, and much more.

4. Do you support the campaign of War against drugs? Why? (essay) (English or Tagalog)


Do you support the campaign of War against drugs? Why?


⟹ Yes, because it was done for our good, we need to appreciate or support because it has helped so much in our lives, because drugs are harmful to our health and they are not good for our mental health, so the campaign of War against drugs helps a lot because they keep us from getting addicted to drugs



5. Direction:make a short essay.War on drugs in the philippines,effective or not?seryosong sagot.thank u​


Close to eight out of 10 Filipinos are satisfied with the national administration's campaign against illegal drugs,” Panelo said. A survey by Social Weather Stations, a Filipino polling group, in June found 82% of those surveyed were satisfied with the anti-drug campaign.



6. write a short argumentative essay about war against drugmatinong sagot po please​

As of recent, the war on drugs has been a very often discussed topic due to many controversial issues. Some people believe the War on Drugs has been quite successful due to the amount of drugs seized and the amount of drug kingpins arrested. I believe this to be the wrong mindset when it comes to the war on drugs. The war on drugs isn’t a winnable one so we must do all that is possible to assist those who struggle with drug addiction and decriminalize small amounts of drugs. These minor changes in the way we combat drugs will create significant change and have lasting effects.

Some may not be too familiar with the war on drugs and the effects it has had on the society we live in.

hope it helps, its not a short one but u can get ideas here:)

7. I need idea about war on drugs essay Yung hndi bias​


What is war on drugs?

The war on drugs event, is an global campaign led by the U.S federal government drug prohibition, military aid, and military intervention, with the aim of reducing the illegal drug trade in the United States. The initiative includes a set of drug policies that are intended to discourage the production, distribution, and consumption of psychoactive drugs that the participating governments and the UN have made illegal. The term was popularized by the media shortly after a press conference given on June 18, 1971, by President Richard Nixon—the day after publication of a special message from President Nixon to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control—during which he declared drug abuse "public enemy number one". That message to the Congress included text about devoting more federal resources to the "prevention of new addicts, and the rehabilitation of those who are addicted" but that part did not receive the same public attention as the term "war on drugs".

8. do you agree on war on drugs defend your answer essay ​


The war on drugs campaign was initiated to define and thus reduce the illegal trade of drug and fight against smugglers. The government issued laws that were not only meant to reduce the export or production of drugs but also the count of drug addicts. Consumption of drugs often leads to addiction


maganda syang larawan at makinis

9. Write a short essay about the war on drugs campaign in the Philippines​


The war on drugs in the philipines is a scary and brutal war, drug den's were being raided and innocent people were getting involve in these kind of raids which were a big annoyance to the people all over the nation but the president ordered to do this to the police and they had to follow it.

10. Exercise 3: LET'S WRITE! Directions: Choose a topic below and construct a 3-paragraph informative essay on some of the current issues in the Philippines. The rubrics below will serve as the basis for checking. (20 points) 1. "War Against Drugs" 2. Killing of Political Activists, Community Leaders, Human Rights Defenders 3. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 4. Death Penalty 5. Presidential and Local Election 2022 6. Government Vaccination Program 7. Health and Safety Protocols against Covid 19 paki answer po ty


Capital punishment opponents expect a steep battle to prevent President Rodrigo Duterte from reimposing the death penalty, as he renews calls for the law as part of a "drug war" that has already killed thousands of Filipinos.

Few were surprised when Mr Duterte last month pushed, once again, to reintroduce the death penalty for drug offenders.

Since coming to power in 2016 he has waged a brutal crackdown on suspected drug users and dealers, issuing police with shoot-to-kill orders while encouraging citizens to kill drug users too.

Officially the police say they shoot only in self-defence and data shows more than 8,000 people have been killed in anti-drug operations. The nation's human rights commission estimates a toll as high as 27,000


pa brainlest Po plssssss

11. followTaking Care of Man's Best friendBy: Lucille F. PatacsilThe dog is considered man's best friend. Its owner should take care of it at all costs.The dog can be trained to do tricks. It can also be trained to do some errands. Duringthe war dogs are utilized to rescue wounded soldiers. They are now used in airports and seaports to sniff and detect illegal drugs.Owners should take care of their dogs. They are very useful pets and they are good inguarding our houses and other facilities.1.Is this a persuasive essay?2.What are the reasons presented by the author to make this a persuasive essay?3.Are you convinced by author?Why or why not?​


1. Yes, it is

2. Dogs protect their owner, they can help in errands if they are trained to, they can also be good in guarding facilities and houses.

3. Yes, i am. Because Dogs can do alot of good things if trained.


1. The title says "Taking care of man's best friend"

2. There are reasons scattered in the essay

3. There are many reasons why you should take care of your dog, and not a single reason not to take care of your dog

12. Essay about war on drugs ? Are you agree?​


yes. kase marami na Ang naaadik sa drug dapat natin labanan wag gagayahin Ang manga iyon

13. Directions: Choose ONE topic below and write one essay using any of theechniques . Use a separate sheet of paper.1. No to bullying2. War Against Drugs3. Legalizing divorce in the Philippines4. Preventing COVID 195. Teenage Pregnancy​


pumili ka isa Jan tapos gawan mo Ng essay






Show us election result

15. Write a reflection essay about your opinion regarding the extra-judicial killings (EJK) due to the War on Drugs in the Philippines.


Thousands of people in the Philippines have been killed since President Rodrigo Duterte launched his “war on drugs” on June 30, 2016, the day he took office. Among those who died have been dozens of children under age 18 who were either specifically targeted or were inadvertently shot during anti-drug raids, what authorities have called “collateral damage.” Philippine children’s rights nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) put the total number of child fatalities at 101 from July 2016 through December 2018, both targeted and killed as bystanders. More deaths of children have been reported in the media in 2019 and 2020.

More broadly, official figures from the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency put the number of “drug war” casualties at 5,601 deaths as of January 31, 2020. In virtually every case, police claimed they killed a drug seller or user during a raid after the suspect resisted arrest and fought back. The national Commission on Human Rights and domestic human rights groups believe many thousands more – estimated at more than 27,000 – have been killed by the police, agents of the police, or unidentified assailants.


Pa Brainlist po!


16. Direction: Write a 250-words essay by answering the following questions. With the current campaign of President Duterte’s War on Drugs, are you in favor or against the said campaign? Do you think this Campaign reflects the true nature of justice? ​


According to former Philippines National Chief and Senator Ronald Dela Rosa the policy is aimed at "The neutralization of illegal drug personalities nationwide." Duerte has urged members of the public to kill criminals and drug addicts. The principle of justice could be described as the moral obligation to act on the basic of fair adjudication between competing claims, As such, it is linked to fairness, entitlement, and equality.

17. %20changing%20direct, into%20the%20corresponding%20past%20tensc SAHA! What's More Answer the following questions about the essay you have read about President Duterte's War Against Drugs 1. What is the issue presented in the essay? 2. Is the thesis (the point to be made) clearly and directly stated? What is the thesis statement? 3. Are facts provided as evidence? If so, identify them. 4. Is the reasoning sound and logical? (Does one point follow another?)​


ano ? ang gulo


what essay?

18. Drug war (Giyera Kontra Droga) reflective essay​

War on Drugs

Drug addiction is a problem faced by many people of the world today. The War on drugs campaign was started in order to define and further reduce the illegal drug trade and fight against drug dealers. The campaign was conducted with the help of participating countries facing many controversies which are still argued to this day. The laws put in place were intended to reduce the level of not only drug consumption but drug addicts.

Drugs will always be a part of our culture so we are obligated to help the ones who seek help and guide others to do the right thing. Drugs can be classified in many ways: by the way they are dispensed, by their substance from which they are derived, by the form they take, and by the way they are administered. They can also be classified by their names. All drugs have three names which include their chemical name, a generic name, and a brand name. Once a drug enters your body it is absorbed into the bloodstream, from the bloodstream it is distributed to various tissues and organs. As the drug is broken down and used by the body it then goes through chemical changes that produce metabolites which have no effect on the body, finally they are eliminated. So now that we know how drugs are classified we are going to look at the illegal types of drugs that we are fighting today. The different types of drugs include anabolic steroids, barbiturates, hallucinogenic drugs, narcotics, sedatives, and stimulants. These drugs are more common when you discuss dependency. Drug dependency is a psychological and sometimes physical state formed by a compulsion to use a drug to experience psychological or physical effects which may take several forms including tolerance, habituation, and addiction. The War on Drugs dates back all the way to 1906 when the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed which targeted toxic drugs and was expanded to address misleading drug labels in 1912.


19. Compose a 5-paragraph expository essay that must consist of the key structural elements and language features that were discussed in the module. The introduction must have 5-7 sentences, each paragraph in the body must be limited to 5- 10 sentences and the conclusion must consist of 3-5 sentences only. Below are the suggested topics you may write about.HOWEVER, since they are only suggested,you may have a topic of your interest.1.Cities should have curfews for teens. 2. Social media and mental health. 3. war on drugs. 4. Anti-terrorism act ​



Like any other forms of writing, an argumentative text has three basic parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Each of these parts contain some important elements. The introduction or sometimes also called exposition usually introduces the problem and gives necessary background information.

5-7 sentences:

In its most basic format, an essay can contain three paragraphs. Each paragraph gets typically dedicated to each part of the article. Those who support the five-paragraph-essay have decided that the body of the essay should be three paragraphs.

5- 10 sentences:

The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis, summarize the key supporting ideas you discussed throughout the work, and offer your final impression on the central idea. This final summation should also contain the moral of your story or a revelation of a deeper truth.

I hope it's help

20. send me an essay about war on drugs

The so-called “War on Drugs,” as declared by the Nixon administration in the signing of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, marked the beginning of the current era of mandatory minimum sentencing, racism, privatized prisons, and a powerful constituency that profits as a result of the prohibition of drugs. Psychoactive substances have been apart of the human experience as long as humans have walked the earth. There is little hope that drug production will ever be curtailed, so long as there is a demand; a demand that has remained steady even though it has been forty years since the beginning of said war. As Judge James P. Gray from the Superior Court of Orange County has so plainly put it: “Where did this policy …show more contentWar on drugs is a thing in the philippines where the incident gone bigger and worse when Mister President Rodrigo Duterte starting getting full control for the safety of the Philippines. But it's starting to get less incidents as of now but still, we just have to be careful and keep on going. Remember everyone, don't just complain and just move on with our lives.

21. Develop your arguementative essay use approriate conditional in the statement of your ideas We all know for a fact that in one way or another, these issues do not only benefit people, but also bring them harm. Epress your stand . Choose one topic below. Underline the conditional sentence in your essay. Issues: 1. Anti-Terrorism Bill 2. War on Drugs 3. COVID 19 4. Graft and corruption descrimination 6.online learning module


ano po ang questions

ilagay nyo po ang question

22. informative essay about war against drugs​


Thousands of people in the Philippines have been killed since President Rodrigo Duterte launched his “war on drugs”


Sana po makatulong

23. Sang-ayon ka ba sa war sa drug sa nakaraang administrasyon? bakit? 50/words essay pls need ko na ngayon​


Sang ayon ako sa pinapatupad na war on drugs sa ilalim ng pagmamalakad ng presidente Duterte. Mula noon ay malaking problema na ang ipinag babawal na droga sa ating lipunan lalo na't naiimpluwensyahan nito ang malaking porsyento ng kabataan.Sa ilalim ng kampanyang war on drugs ay mas napaiigting ang paglilimita sa illegal na kalakaran at pag gamit ng mga ito.Matapos ang tokhang na kampanya ay dumami ang mga drug surrenderees at bumababa na ang kaso ng pag gamit ng droga ng siyang unti unting sumisira sa kinabukasan ng marami sa mga kabataan.

24. V. ESSAY (PERFORMANCE): Directions: Below are important social and environmental issues today. We all know for a fact that in one way or another, these issues do not only benefit people, but also bring them harm. Choose Only one issue and express your stand about it using any of the four (4) types of conditionals in presenting your arguments. Write your short essay on a separate sheet of paper.Topics: A. Anti-Terrorism Bill B. War on drugs C. Cyberbullying D. Battling COVID-19​


c. cyber bullying can harm people mentally and i want it tobe stop


25. simple essay about war on drugs in the Philippines

war on drugs is war on drugs

26. Short essay about the war on drugs campaign in the philippines

The War on Drugs is an effort in the United States since the 1970s to combat illegal drug use by greatly increasing penalties, enforcement, and incarceration for drug offenders. Duterte increased infrastructure spending and launched Build! Build! Build!, an ambitious building program. He initiated liberal economic reforms to attract foreign investors and reformed the country's tax system.

27. Make a persuasive essay about war on drugs


War on drugs should be stopped. It has ruined lives of hundreds of innocent people without proper justice and procedures. Yes, it lessened the crimes in the country. But do we have to get blood on our hands, to ensure safety? Was those people really the main suspects? The root of all evil? No! They are just cetizens of the Philippines. Deprived with their rights. Human rights. Killing others, makes us less human. So let's end this war, before we become monsters that we fear.

28. Give your stand on the following issues.1. The IATF announced the added restrictions for the General Community Quarantine in National Capital Region and other nearby provinces.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Filipinos are undecided to be vaccinated by the COVAX (Covid Vaccine) available in our country.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. The Philippine government’s “drug war” killings intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. 18 years old and below will not be allowed to go to public placesparticularly in going to the malls starting March 22, 2021, until further notice. Compose a persuasive essay on self-directed topic EN6WC-IVb-2.22____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Some Local Government Units (LGUs) have distributed gadgets toteachers and learners to help them in coping with distance learning.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________pa help po pls :D


1. I think it would be better if we should obey what are the new restrictions that they announced. It's afterall, for our own safety.

2. Even I, is not really that favorable about that said vaccine. But if we don't really have a choice, then so be it. Just make sure that it's safe enough not to kill humans. But well, if your time is now ticking, we won't able to stop that anymore, right? God's always here. Just trust him.

3. I know many people got fired or resign on their works and they can't do anything to have money but I think it's too much if we will use prohibited drugs to sell, it's inherently bad. If life gets hard, we should work harder. Life don't have shortcuts. You're just going to involve yourself in danger.

4. This is good. Minors are not allowed to go outside at night. There are a lot of danger waiting for you if you'll be stubborn.

5. It's a big help to teachers and students. Students who can't buy gadgets should be their priority. Not all of people can cope up with this kind of learning. Afterall, it's their responsibility to keep their nation at ease and safe.

Pa-brainliest ako. Thank you

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