Why Humss

Why Humss

what is HUMSS? why did you take up HUMSS?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is HUMSS? why did you take up HUMSS?​


"And HUMSS. Well, HUMSS stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. ... It helps improve student's reading, writing, speaking and social skills, and the skills this strand is trying to develop are critically needed for students who want to take up journalism, education, and other social science-related courses in college."


hope it helps

keep on learning

2. why you choose humss and why?​

The reason I chose HUMSS is that, in general, I want to acquire communication skills and become a person who can play an active role in society.

What is HUMSS?

The Humanities and Social Sciences track is one of the Philippine high school academic pathways. This strand focuses on improving oral communication, media, information, and reading and writing skills.

There are also many studies and presentations in this thread.

Reasons to choose HUMSS

-Having concept making skills

There is plenty of time in this field to develop critical thinking, writing, and deep understanding skills. The humanities or social sciences rely heavily on communication and writing skills to develop concepts.

Of course, these skills are essential in any job, academic or not.

-Skills are not easy to imitate

Many jobs benefit people who have not only intellectual and practical skills but also social skills.

Many employers also want applicants to have emotional intelligence. Show that you are a person who always wants to grow, analyze, and empathize. -

-Have good social skills

Work prefers people who have not only intellectual intelligence and practical skills but also social skills.

There are other factors to consider when choosing a HUMSS :

-Learn to analyze and express opinions logically.

-You can make a complex idea sound simple.

-Graduates of this field of science can work in various fields such as journalism, politics, education, law, and creativity.

-Learn how to communicate ideas and make direct contact with new people. Humanities education is an excellent way to boost your emotional intelligence and soft skills.

HUMSS Student Job Prospects:

-Legal and Security Jobs

What I learned during my studies covers various aspects of social life, from human interactions to how we shape society. HUMSS encourages us to have the opportunity to think critically.

Critical thinking is indispensable for those who work in the fields of law and security.

-Press activities

There are also journalism career prospects. Good writing and communication skills help you understand grammar and culture. This is the capital for becoming a journalist.

- Politics Liberal arts graduates can work in politics. Maybe you are one of the graduates who is fond of the world of politics. The ability to analyze information is usually possessed by humanities scientists.

-Involved in education

Humanities graduates can become educational practitioners or educational observers who focus on a particular field. Several courses help you understand different social and cultural situations and prepare you to work in education.

Find related information at https://brainly.ph/question/2705604


3. why do you choose Humss and why ?

dahil gusto kong kunin na course ay crimi ology at gusto ko paglake ko ay maging police.

4. as a humss student,why community action modalities is important​


Community action is about putting communities at the heart of their own local services. Building community and social capacity – helping the community to share knowledge, skills and ideas. Community resilience – helping the community to support itself.

5. why you choose HUMSS?​


i choose humss because its of my choice and i confidently says that my skills fits on that strand

6. Why did you choose humss as your strand


I choose the Humss Strand not because of my classmates or friends. I choose Humss to be myself and to be aware in my surroundings. Humss is a strand that may help me to be more confident with myself and to prove something. Moreover, it can be the one who can lead me to my course in college. I add that humss is a great strand in senior high school because I can be deal with the world's problem.


If you're not willing to take this answer, just ignore it. Thanks :>

7. A poem about "Why Humss Strand"4 paragraph and 5 lines Sana ​


I chose HUMSS because this strand will help me enhance not only my ability to talk in front of many people but also to gain self confidence and to enhance my ability to connect and communicate with the audience.


8. why did you choose the strand humss​

Answer: The HUMSS strand revolves around improving the students reading, writing and one of the benefit of this is your speaking skills will enhance and your it will help you to boost your confidence. People choose this strand because they are aspiring member of the society that will help their fellow.

9. Why humss students are most likely to choose the teaching profession?​


There is no inherent reason why HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) students would be more likely to choose teaching as a profession than students from other academic tracks. In fact, the decision to become a teacher is often influenced by a variety of factors, such as personal interests, aptitude, and career goals. Some HUMSS students may be drawn to teaching because they have a passion for a particular subject, such as history or literature, and want to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with others. Others may see teaching as a rewarding and fulfilling career that allows them to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. Ultimately, the decision to become a teacher is a personal one and can be influenced by many different factors.

10. as a humss student why is it important to study creative writing​


beacause it will improves our intellectual skills


pa brainliest qng nakatulong

11. why should quantitative research subject be included in your chosen strand humss​

in order to satisfy the objective of this study both quanlitative and quanlitative

12. why political science is important in student or as a HUMSS student

Political Science is excellent preparation for effective citizenship. Studying political science grounds students in the importance of political participation and prepares them to take part in the political life of their communities and the nation.



Political Science is excellent preparation for effective citizenship. Studying political science grounds students in the importance of political participation and prepares them to take part in the political life of their communities and the nation.

13. Why do you think the number of HUMSS graduates is not as high as the other disciplines?


Because there are a lot of courses under HUMSS. HUMSS IS NOT EASY. Some people say that when you take this strand, you don't have any plans in becoming successful in life, or maybe we just took this strand because it doesn't realy have any calculus or math as a major subject.





14. What is Humss?is humss nice stand?​

Humanities and Social Sciences

Yes it is a nice strand. If you love roleplays, and have enough confidence. It is definitely for you! But if you are lacking confidence, i think it is still a perfect strand, it can slowly teach you to be social friendly and confident, but HUMSS has ALOT of thesis so dont be lazy!! :))

15. why research is important to HUMSS ​


Research is important because if you don't know the answer they tell you the real answer to you.

As a HUMSS student, it is important to do research as we need to produce more knowledge, to understand the complexities to a various issues such as cultural diversity, social and political issues so as a discussion to moral issues, to obtain the integrity as we should disapprove lies and irrelevant theories and uphold community-based realities. Also, we can achieve practical development and personal development—writing skills, reading skills, speaking skills and critical and analytical thinking.

16. as a humss student, why do you need to study literature?​


When students study Literature, they learn to appreciate words and their power. They travel to other realms and times through the texts they read. They understand about their own culture and others'. ... Importantly, they learn to consider multiple perspectives and understand the complexity of human nature.

17. why should quantitative research subject be included in your chosen humss strand ​


used to populate statistics from a high volume sample size to gain statistically valid results in customer insight. ... It's important to ensure a suitable sample size is used to gain accurate and trustworthy results.

18. HUMSS students are at times being discriminated by other strands because of the career that had low salary. As a HUMSS student, would you still want to pursue a career in Social Sciences and its related disciplines? Why?​


Yes, tho im in STEM rn.


•because HUMSS students are the future leaders of our country.

•because its a great strand where you can develop your self-esteem and confidence for you to be able to talk to the crowd proud.




Because I work hard just to reach my goal and even though it has a small salary doesn't mean i stop I didn't hurt anyone body then why would i affected in that situation

19. why studying quantitative research is important for humss student?​


It helps you understand the and provide solutions different issues and problems of the community directly felt by people. It cam also help in understanding human interactions to society which can help them or you in forming new theories about people's practice, culture and tradition.


That can be solved or answered through surveys. Those surveys are included in the Quantitative research because you are to calculate percentage of responses.

20. as a humss student why is it necessary for you to have the knowledge and skills in social sciences​


its necessary because it is

science helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of, is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science

21. Why did u chose HUMSS as your strand?​


Because the course that I want/my dream to become is here. That's all.

22. As a HUMSS student, why is it important to know other languages and culture? Explain.

It is important to know other languages in order for us to widen our horizons in understanding other cultures.


This strand focuses on humanities and social sciences that is why it is very important to have knowledge in this field for you to attain and understand what must be implied and learn.

23. As a HUMSS students what is the best pure social science DISCIPLINE?and WHY?​


The branches of social science include anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. Social scientists study how societies work, exploring everything from the triggers of economic growth and the causes of unemployment to what makes people happy.

Edit: Education is one of the most important social sciences, exploring how people learn and develop. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

24. Why is it necessary for HUMSS student to study counselling? ​


because it Improve your social skills, Helps you understand the impact of technology, science and medicine and Become “international”.

25. why did you choose humss and what is the benefit of it?​

Answer:because you follow your heart you follow what you want and so you can make hard things to be easy because your good at it


26. Why is painting important in HUMSS strand


The painting is important in HUMSS strand because the humanities and the arts are central to all human cultures throughout time. Their study can facilitate deeper intercultural understanding and lay the groundwork for a civically engaged life. They can also prepare you to think critically, act creatively, and succeed in a rapidly changing world.

27. why did you choose HUMSS strand??​


Cause in HUMSS that's Strand that my dreams are there...

28. What is your chosen degree or strand and the reasons why you choose that? Humss​


Tysm Tysm Tysm For the Points


Brainliest Pleaze

(•‿•)(・∀・)◉‿◉。◕‿◕。 bla bla bla(˘・_・˘)

29. why you chuoose to be in humss strand


because I wanted to be a soldier

30. 4. Will supporting and participating in the program help you as HUMSS student?Why?​


yes we will support them because it can be the chance to us to make our dream come true

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