Scandal Stanford Business School Tagalog

Scandal Stanford Business School Tagalog

Why Enron Scandal has caused the Arthur Andersen, one of the top audit firms in the US to close its business? How was Arthur Andersen involves in the scandal?

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1. Why Enron Scandal has caused the Arthur Andersen, one of the top audit firms in the US to close its business? How was Arthur Andersen involves in the scandal?

Arthur Andersen fired its partner in charge of auditing the Enron Corporation today, saying he had ordered the destruction of thousands of documents and e-mail messages after learning that the Securities and Exchange Commission had begun an investigation of Enron's accounting.

The fired partner, David B. Duncan, called a meeting of auditors at the firm's Houston office and ordered ''an expedited effort to destroy documents'' on Oct. 23, the day after Enron disclosed that the S.E.C. had begun its inquiry, the firm said. The destruction apparently did not end until Mr. Duncan's assistant sent an e-mail message to other secretaries on Nov. 9 that said ''stop the shredding,'' the firm said. Andersen had received a subpoena from the S.E.C. the day before.

Further disclosures today underscored the accountants' central role in the scandal surrounding Enron, the pioneering Houston energy company that was the nation's seventh- largest company before its precipitous fall into bankruptcy protection.

2. Ang naging pangulo nang pilipinas na naglahad ng katiwalia. sa pamahalaan tulad ng Chinese immigration quota scandal at school supplies scandal​

Ferdinand E. Marcos


hope it helps:)

3. Ang naging pangulo ng pilipinas na naglahad ng katiwalian sa pamahalaan tulad ng chinese immigration quota scandal at school supplies scandal​


NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081, dated September 21, 1972, and General Order No. 1, dated September 22, 1972, as amended, do hereby order and decree:

1. The lifting of the suspension of the Chinese immigration quotas from 1949 and the years thereafter;

2. That these annual quotas from 1949 and the succeeding years shall be allotted firstly to Chinese nationals who entered the Philippines legally from January 1, 1947 to December 31, 1953 as non-immigrants under Section 9 of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, as amended, whose only violation of said Act is staying beyond the period of their authorized stay and to their children born in the Philippines who are likewise non-immigrants in the Philippines.


ferdinand marcod

4. what is the message of the author in the article "Glaring Scandal"?​

Answer: Virgina Bloss

Hope it help

5. Founder of Stanford University California ?


Leland Stanford


Hope It Helps:)


Leland stanford and his wife Jane stanford

6. dalawang taong grumaduate sa stanford university​

Is this fre e points or no because it looks like no an question

7. anong pinagkaiba ng scandal at rumored scandal​


Ang scandal ay ang nangyari nang kagulugan sa kasalukuyan, habang ang rumored scandal naman ay kumbaga chismis lang, walanf ebidensya o patunay na sabi-sabi.

8. Which of the following is true regarding the stanford-binet intelligence scales?


saan po ang tanong


paano ko masasagutan kapag walang tanong

9. what is the meaning of scandal in english​



an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

Merriam Webster


an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

"a bribery scandal involving one of his key supporters"


outrageous wrongdoing

outrageous behavior

immoral behavior

unethical behavior

discreditable behavior








skeleton in the cupboard

skeleton in the closet




the outrage or anger caused by a scandalous action or event.

"divorce was cause for scandal on the island"















rumor or malicious gossip about scandalous events or actions.

"I know that you would want no scandal attached to her name"


malicious gossip


10. What is the message of the author in the,Glaring Scandal?​


Vigina Bloss!


That's the answer hope it helps

11. Ano ang ibigsabihin ng stonehill scandal


The Stonehill scandal, named after American expatriate businessman Harry Stonehill, was a 1962 bribery scandal in the Philippines which implicated high level government officials, including President Diosdado Macapagal, future President Ferdinand Marcos, former President Carlos P. Garcia, and numerous other top Philippine officials, who were accused of accepting bribes to protect Stonehill's $50-million business empire, which included a monopoly on tobacco and other exploited crops and popular local resources.


The Stonehill scandal, named after American expatriate businessman Harry Stonehill,[1] was a 1962 bribery scandal in the Philippines which implicated high level government officials, including President Diosdado Macapagal,[2] future President Ferdinand Marcos,[2][3] former President Carlos P. Garcia,[3] and numerous other top Philippine officials, who were accused of accepting bribes to protect Stonehill's $50-million business empire, which included a monopoly on tobacco and other exploited crops and popular local resources.[4]

12. President who resigned due to watergate scandal?

Si Presidente Nixon ng Amerika noong 1970's sa kontrobersyal na "watergate Scandal"

13. (True or False). Inequality is a scandal to our common humanity. ​





true po


Carry On learning#

14. the majority to the news is about violence or scandal​


I don't allow disease or scandal.

If the media are to inform citizens objectively about the work of the EU, they must focus on genuine work rather than titbits or scandals.

What the next 48 hours are about is abandoning everything you knew or thought you could rely on and adjusting to the new reality.

What we are about is the development of the population, the rate of employment and, of course, labour markets adjusted to the new situation.

And at its current rate, the majority population of this country will no longer be white by 2043, when you guys are about 45 years old or so, in charge of the new America.

I have the majority to decide what I want.

We have called for the restoration of this constitutional order, in full, and urged all parties and institutions to refrain from violence or talks about violence and to strive to find a swift and peaceful solution.

I agree that collecting societies must adapt to the new situation, because they have arisen at national level and we are about to move on to a transnational, and even world, level.

15. what is humanities according to Stanford​


The humanities—philosophy, history, literature, art history, classics, music, and religion, among others—investigate ideas and culture, as the sciences and the social sciences demonstrate other ways of thinking about the world.


The humanities—philosophy, history, literature, art history, classics, music, and religion, among others—investigate ideas and culture, as the sciences and the social sciences demonstrate other ways of thinking about the world. These core disciplines enjoy long histories as foundations of knowledge, while newer, interdisciplinary fields such as the study of race, gender, or performance afford their distinctive insights. As a Center we promote provocative discussions, the exchange of ideas across languages and cultures, and continual, rigorous reflection on how knowledge is made.



16. He will attend Stanford or Yale. _____?____. Therefore, he attended Stanford.


he will attend Standford or yale. CONFUSED?CHOOSING.therefore he attended standford

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps can you brainliest pls

17. Steve jobs stanford commencement speech 2005 analysis

good am not going to have her call me when you more than I love the idea of the only one who can do the job for late to have her call you when I'm going outside to

18. reflection about scandal of poverty​


It's easy to forget that more than a billion people survive on a $1 a day when we live in the world's richest country. Whether in the fields of Africa, the factories of Asia or the streets of our own cities, we often pay scant attention to the abject poverty that degrades our fellow human beings. Ending global poverty is one of the great challenges of our time that requires urgent political will and solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.

Catholic leaders, economists, international-development experts and activists from several countries will meet in San Francisco tomorrow and Saturday to explore strategies for addressing the moral scandal that is global poverty. We come together to raise awareness, mobilize resources and reflect on how putting faith into action can build a more just world. As Catholics, we pray that we can embrace the hungry, the sick and the suffering as Jesus called us to do with compassion and love. As engaged citizens who understand that foreign policy and budgets are moral endeavors that reflect our values, we call on our leaders to do more to help the world's poor.

Some ask why we should care about starvation or disease in remote corners of the globe. Along with being the right thing to do, retreating from this cause is also not practical. The forces of globalization have made nations, and their destinies, more interconnected than ever before. As the world's largest economy, the United States has considerable influence to galvanize resources for the poor, push to end curable diseases in Africa and be a model for other countries when it comes to developments.As daunting as the challenge of ending global poverty may seem, this is not an unreachable goal. Renowned poverty expert, Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, who will deliver the keynote address at our gathering, has identified practical steps such as increasing crop productivity and soil efficiency, providing nutritious school meals and helping poor countries reform internal agencies. We know that governments alone can't solve this problem. Faith-based groups, nonprofit agencies, academics and activists must work together with a renewed sense of urgency. Anything less will lead to more suffering, hunger and death. That's not an option the poor of the world should be expected to endure any longer.


19. has the credibility of the church lost when there are problems and scandals?​

scandal? nuyon? viral ba yon?

20. government response to well fargo scandal?​




21. What is this data privacy scandal all about


its all about scandal and privacy

22. What is the message of the author in the article, "Glaring Scandal"?2.​


I haven't read that


Sorry po


23. map out the life of speaker steve jobs during the Stanford university commencement exercises, 2005 by filling out the griddemographic profilehigh school lifecollege lifebusiness tycoon


Whin the speaker Steve has said that the one similar or to something else is there to be a better version of the statement of you are in touch here and there is no as to what you think the most appropriate.

24. Which happened first pentagon papers or watergate scandal?

Pentagon Papers happen first.

25. how are you going to resolvr the scandal in your company?​


What i would do is firstly ask what's the scandal all about and try to resolve it as soon as possible so no one gets harmed or attacked by anyone. Secondly i would go on the the media or the news and ask for forgiveness on why the scandal happened i would also explain to them what went wrong and how we resolved the scandal.

i hope this helps! goodluck :D

26. , how could the mistake be prevented from turning into scandal?​


Delete and Apologize


U need to know that you made a mistake. delete any evidence. and make a public apology

27. what is this data privacy scandal all about? ​


The Facebook data privacy scandal centers around the collection of personally identifiable information of "up to 87 million people" by the political consulting and strategic communication firm Cambridge Analytica.


28. 10 subtests of stanford binet intelligence scales fifth edition

Answer: Its 10 subtests assess five cognitive factors: Fluid Reasoning; Knowledge; Quantitative; Visual-Spatial; and Working Memory. The SB-5 remains among the most widely used intelligence tests because it is effective with so many different groups. Its numerous high-end items make it an excellent measure of giftedness

29. stanford prison experiment reaction paper


In 1971, Zimbardo set an experiment in the basement of Stanford University simulating a prison environment to see the effects of imprisonment in regular civilians. He and his team recruited 24 college students for a paid, two-week experiment. Half of the subjects was assigned the role of prison guards and the other half was assigned the role of prisoners. Within days, the “prison guards” began exercising oppressive psychological dominance over the “prisoners”. Guards created several punishment methods, such as push-ups and redirecting other prisoners’ frustration towards the rebel prisoners, and effectively implemented control methods such as giving better treatment to obedient students. The psychological damage was such that at the sixth day, an outside observer pointed out the suffering underwent by the “prisoners”. And thus the experiment ended.

I agree that the experiment should have been discontinued as soon as the administration became aware of inherent flaws contained in it. The experimenters agreed to undergo minimal nutrition and psychologically hostile treatment, but the guards often imposed physical pain on the prisoners. Furthermore, even though the video didn’t mention it, in the website ( it is mentioned that guards would harass sexually and physically the prisoners late at night when they thought nobody was watching them. (This was noted later through video recordings). The experiment agreement was rather vague on this respect and any kind of harassment or retention (such as when the whole prison was moved elsewhere to keep the system from parents) could be either interpreted as belonging or not belonging within the limits of the contract.

Therefore, I believe the experiment could be re-proposed if the experiment participation agreement was clearly defined, stating what is allowed and what is not. Also, since Zimbardo declared he wasn’t playing the role of the experimenter anymore, absort he was in his role of superintendent, it will be necessary to allow external monitoring and participation of the research process while during the ongoing experiment. Also, “prisoners” should be briefed before initiating the experiment of the ways of interrupting participation. It should be remembered that when 8612 requested to be let out of the prison, he was talked by the “prison head” and the “superintendent” both of whom discouraged 8612 in such a derogatory way that 8612 ended up believing that his situation was a real imprisonment. This belief spread into the rest of the prison dwellers. What is important to see here is that both the “superintendent” and “prison head” persuaded 8612 believe that this would increase the level of reality the experiment carried, but they didn’t stop at the fact that 8612 really wanted to get out of the experiment altogether. Until the last day, anything that the participants did was understood within the context of experiment, effectively creating a total institution, the exception being 819 to whom Zimbardo explained that “this was just an experiment”

This study shows that imprisonment can drive a “normal” person into other kinds of personalities, which are often described as criminal and brutal. Nazi germany was composed of normal humans who happened to be under the rule of a governor who developed a whole social structured that converted many into ruthless and genocidal soldiers. It seems like responsibility could be delegated upon the social institutions that rule people’s lives, given that the institutions are strong enough to exercise such power. It also shows that the control over a group of people doesn’t necessarily require physical (practical) power, but rather convincing the group that they’re hopelessly destined to obey orders. This is how three guards on a shift at a time could effectively control the 12 prisoners at any given time.

On the other hand, it could be argued that the prisons are still doing what they are supposed to do, just that now they’re revealing the underlying criminal impulses of individuals that could materialize at any moment, and argue that the students happened to have such criminalistic instincts. However, what would happen if a new experiment with a larger pool of participants yielded the same results? Given every person has the so-called criminalistic instincts, having a number of people in jails and while others are not in jails for the same reasons is not justifiable.

What was found in the Stanford Prison Experiment is the model for any generic form of total institution. At institutions in which individuals are immersed days and weeks, where a strong authority rules over them, such as the Army or Monasteries, where the settings are real and not just experimental, any violation of basic human rights, of human dignity, and negation of common sense could occur, and still pass unnoticed to the “prison guards”.


am not sure man.

30. Is nudity painting an art or scandalous? Write it for 30 sentences


Explanation: If it for you to show dirty mind it merely sexual, only if it for art itself then it's for moderation.

Nudity painting is an art because the body itself is an art done by our god

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