Nuat Thai Price

Nuat Thai Price

Where is Thai silk produced from?a.Rattanb.Mulberry leavesc.Cocoons of Thai earthwormsd.Cocoons of Thai silkworms​

Daftar Isi

1. Where is Thai silk produced from?a.Rattanb.Mulberry leavesc.Cocoons of Thai earthwormsd.Cocoons of Thai silkworms​


D. Cocoons of Thai Silkworm


D. Cocoons of Thai silkworms


Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms. Thai weavers, mainly from the Khorat Plateau in the northeast region of Thailand, raise the caterpillars on a steady diet of mulberry leaves.

2. What to expect on thai massage?What is thai massage?What are the benefits of Thai massage?What are Thai massage contraindications?pa help namn po thanksTle 10 po​

AnswerWhat to expect from Thai massage?Expect that your body will be moved a lot by the massagerWhat is Thai massage?Thai massage is a traditional therapy that uses assisted yoga stretches and AcupressureWhat are the benefits of Thai massage?Increases Blood Circulation and Increases FlexibilityImproves the Lymphatic Flow around the body. Lymph fluids in the lymphatic system help eliminated wastes and toxins from body tissues.What are Thai massage contraindications?

*A contraindication is a specific situation in which a drug, procedure, or surgery becomes harmful or risky to the person's health.

These are common Thai massage contraindications:

Considerable weaknessBody temperature reaches 38CConsiderable inflammatory conditionBone and Joinstdiseases Nervous system diseases

Notice that contraindications are related to the Nervous system and Skeletal system. It is because The Thai Massage focuses on relieving these main systems of the body.

Importance of Visual Art Elements -


3. What family culture of the Thais are mentioned in the text?How important is family for the Thais?What are the similarities and differences of the Thai family cultura​


[tex] \\ [/tex]

Family culture influences the way each family member thinks, feels, and acts on a daily basis. Your family culture influences things like your moral compass, beliefs, values, and traditions. You might choose a career based on your family culture by picking something you know your family values.

#CarryOnLearning ^_^

4. Which traditional thai music tells about the daily trials and tribulations of rural thai?

Answer: Luk thung

Explanation: Luk thung, or Thai country music, developed in the mid-20th century to reflect the daily trials and tribulations of rural Thais.

5. The ______ are thai tmeples​




show the picture

6. The ___________ are Thai temple​




KUNG Mali po pa correct nalang thankyou


ano po? Pakiayos po ng tanong?

7. the word Thai which means "freedom" in the thai language is also the name of the majority thai ___ groupa. culturalb. folkc. raciald. traditionale. tribal​​


A. Cultural


Not only does it mean “free”, Tai is also an ethnic group in the country, giving the word Thailand a double meaning of both “Land of the Free” and “Land of the Thai People”.

8. _________ literature greatly influenced Thai literature. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. Indian D. Thai




bahala ka kung ayaw mo


Chinese literature greatly influenced Thai literature since Thailanders was colonised by the Chinese colonisers.

For more info.,

Go to » (search Thailanders literature)...

9. Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of thai silkworm? True or False​


Onting haba lang po nito pero Hope it help :>


Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms. Thai weavers, mainly from the Khorat Plateau in the northeast region of Thailand, raise the caterpillars on a steady diet of mulberry leaves. ... Since traditional Thai silk is hand woven, each silk fabric is unique and cannot be duplicated through commercial means.

10. example of thai novels


trabarb see chompo


because its about love


Four Reigns...............[<

11. thai silk description?​


Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai


12. what is thai silk?​

DescriptionThai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms. Thailand's silkworm farmers cultivate both types of the domesticated silkworms that produce commercial silk: Samia ricini, commonly


Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms. Thailand's silkworm farmers cultivate both types of the domesticated silkworms that produce commercial silk: Samia ricini, commonly known as the eri silkworm, which produces matte eri silk, and the Bombyx mori, producer of the better known, glossy mulberry silk.

13. example of thai instruments


Ranat ThumKhawng Wong LekKhawng wong yaiChing chap

14. which traditional thai music tells about the daily trials and tribulations of rural thai​


Luk Thung


Luk thung, or Thai country music, developed in the mid-20th century to reflect daily trials and tribulations of rural Thais.


Luk thung


Luk thung, or Thai country music, developed in the mid-20th century to reflect daily trials and tribulations of rural Thais.

15. Thai slk produced from cocoons of Thai silkworms. What do you call thecenter of industry in Thailand where the Thai silkworms are mainly​


Khorat Plateau is the center of silk industry in thailand:)

16. • What family culture of the Thais are mentioned in the text?• How important is family for the Thais?• What are the similaritites and differences of the Thai family culture compared to your own family?​




°mafia family is important for the thais because bkla sila

°the similarities and difference of the mafia family culture compared to your family is matapang sila pangt kayo

17. 1.________is a highly stylized court ensemble and repertoire from Cambodia that influenced Thai classical ensemble. 2. Classical Thai orchestra are very similar to Cambodian basic formulation which are ________and_______. 3.Indonesian gong chime is __________ obvious in Thai classical ensemble. 4.Classical Thai music is _________ and follows similar behavior as in American folk and dixieland music. 5.Thai scale includes _______ notes. 6.The ________is the most common Thai classical ensemble. 7.There is another version of piphat ensemble that is used in Thai drama such as the Thai drama theater or_________ 8.The khlul, goblet drum, and khim are instruments used in ________ sai ensemble. 9.Khrueang sai ensemble performs for Thai Hoon Grabok or _____theater. 10.The _______Ensemble was traditionally played by women.


1.)Mahori. The third major Thai classical ensemble is the Mahori, traditionally played by women in the courts of both Central Thailand and Cambodia.

2.)Seen in its most basic formulation, the classical Thai orchestras have a very strong influence on the Cambodian (Khmer) pinpeat and mahori ensembles

3.)Musical instruments[edit]. Indonesia is the home of gong chime, there are many variants across Indonesia, especially in Java and Bali.

4.)Classical Thai music is polyphonic and follows similar conventions to American Folk and Dixieland Music.

5.)7 Thus the standard explanation is that both Western (12-tet) and Thai tuning systems are equidistant; the Western scale comprises twelve equidistant notes and the theoretical Thai scale comprises seven.

6.)Piphat. The most common and iconic Thai classical music that symbolizes the dancing of the Thailand's legendary dragons

7.)It is also used to accompany traditional Thai theatrical and dance forms including khon (Thai: โขน) (masked dance-drama), lakhon (classical dance), and shadow

8.)Piphat Ensemble 

9.)The khrueang sai ensemble is primarily used for instrumental indoor performances and for accompanying the Thai hoon grabok (stick-puppet theater), a genre

10.)Mahori. The third major Thai classical ensemble is the Mahori, traditionally played by women in the courts of both Central Thailand and Cambodia.

18. what does story depict on the Thai culture in a Thai village?​


Not Sure :|


The religion practiced in Thailand is somewhat unique to other Buddhist nations, having been infused with many outside elements. Hindu practices and traditional Chinesebeliefs have influenced local beliefs to an extent, with animist beliefs playing a large role in making Thai Buddhism what it is today.

19. what is the different and similarities between old thai music and new thai music


The similarity is that we have folk and traditional music. The differences are between the traditional musical instruments and also kinda styles of the music itself. Thai has Isan style, and Indonesia has dangdut. Thai have read, Indonesia has gamelan. Please take some time to listen to that music, you'll find out the difference easily. The complete answer is on your fingers and ears.


20. what is thai music?​

The music of Thailand reflects its geographic position at the intersection of China and India, and reflects trade routes that have historically included Africa, Greece and Rome. Traditional Thai musical instruments are varied and reflect ancient influence from far afield - including the klong thap and khim (Persian origin), the jakhe (Indian origin), the klong jin (Chinese origin), and the klong kaek (Indonesian origin). Though Thailand was never colonized by colonial powers, pop music and other forms of modern Asian, European and American music have become extremely influential. The two most popular styles of traditional Thai music are luk thung and mor lam; the latter in particular has close affinities with the music of Laos.


Though Thailand was never colonized by colonial powers, pop music and other forms of modern Asian, European and American music have become extremely influential. The two most popular styles of traditional Thai music are luk thung and mor lam; the latter in particular has close affinities with the music of Laos.

21. B. Thai Mythology1. Characteristics of Thai Mythologya._____________b._____________c._____________​


Auspicious dates. ...

Lucky numbers. ...

Cutting one's hair or fingernails. ...

22. The ______ are Thai temples???​


Thai temple art and architecture is the art and architecture of Buddhist temples in Thailand. Temples are known as wat’s, from the Pāḷi vāṭa, meaning "enclosure." A temple has an enclosing wall that divides it from the secular world.

23. What do you think is the role of Chinese music to Thai music? a. Thai was inspired my Chinese music b. Chinese music is basically a Thai music c. Thai’s musical principles and elements are derived from Chinese music d. All of the above​


D is the correct answer All of the above


Thanks me later

24. What family culture of the Thais are mentioned in the text?How important is family for the Thais?What are the similarities and differences of the Thai family culture compared toyour own family?​


Family is considered to be the foundation of social life for most Thais. The Thai concept of family is often wide and inclusive, and whilst the nuclear family is the core of the domestic unit, it may include members of the extended family or close neighbours or friends.

In Thailand, familial words are often used for other close members of the community and are used to indicate both closeness and respect. For example, it is common for Thais to use ‘phi’ before someone's nickname if they are like an older sibling and ‘nong’ to indicate affection for someone younger rather than the term ‘khun’ (see ‘Greetings’).


Hope this is correct

25. in thai this mean float?




26. thai silk of thailand​


Thai silk

(Thai: ผ้าไหมไทย) is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms. Thailand's silkworm farmers cultivate both types of the domesticated silkworms that produce commercial silk: Samia ricini, commonly known as the eri silkworm, which produces matte eri silk, and the Bombyx mori, producer of the better known, glossy mulberry silk.[1] The latter is by far the larger silk producer of the two.[2]

Thanks me later

27. The author of the Thai short story "My thai cat".Pa answer po plss...​


My Thai Cat’ is a famous story by Thai author Pratoomratha Zeng. It is a charming story that brings out the superstitions and customs of the Thai peasants and a direct singular message.


❤️ follow ❤️

28. What family culture of the Thais are mentioned in the text? • How important is family for the Thais? What are the similarities and differences of the Thai family culture compared to your own family?​


1.)Thai is a lot of big family they having meal together sharing the food between the members of the family. Many traditions, religious, family relationship, beliefs, and urban in Thai. Many of them had a similarities from the other people or Thai.

2.)In Thai a family must be first and it is important for them because family should be the one who understand first when they had a problem the one who always listen. And family in Thai means indicate closeness and respected. It is the common word's and Thai when it comes family.

3.) The family cultured in Thai and my family cultured is definitely not similarities but similarities in respected to each other. When it comes to church and religious in Thai they know only one god for them which is Buddha. And to my family well it's kind of no statue in our house in church but we are religious. As far as I know to all people, countries, in the world are different beliefs and religious.


Hope it helps you

29. Il. Examples of Thai LiteratureA Poetry1. Klon's Pet Tona. Description of Klon's Pet Toni.B. Thai Mythology1.2.III. Thai modern LiteratureA.В.​


1.A=The Klon'pet ton are very brief, eight- line verses in two stanzas. Each line contains eight syllables and the whole piece is perfectly balanced. Other forms include longer narrative love verse and the Ramakien epic, which is written in lyrical verse intended to be sung to the accompaniment of dancing.


hope it can help you

30. 7.Where is Thai silk produced from? A. rattan B. mulberry leaves C. cocoons of Thai earthworms D. cocoons of Thai silkworms​


D.Cocoon of Thai silkworm


Thai silkworms


Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms

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