Its Design Have Their National Flowers Simpur

Its Design Have Their National Flowers Simpur

its design have their national flower simpur

Daftar Isi

1. its design have their national flower simpur


Batik of Brunei

is an Indonesian word, and refers to a generic wax-resist dyeing technique used on textile.

2. Its design have their national flowers simpur




I think so haha

3. Its design have their national flowers simpur


batik of brunei


batik of brunei

4. If Brunei’s batik has their national flower "Simpur" as a design, what about Malaysian batik?


i dont know


5. Which of the following flower is not used in Brunei batik design?a. sumboi- sumboi b. simpur c. air muleh d. sampur​



6. a unique batik design of national flower simpur sumboi-sumboi {pitcher plant} and traditioanal design of air muleh


brunei's batik



7. what is design have their national flowers simpur,sumboi sumboi and brunei traditional design ofair muleh​


Batik of Brunei


is an Indonesian word, and refers to a generic wax-resist dyeing technique used on textile.

8. which of the following terms are familiar with page 23 ikat technique dyeing technique used to create the design on the fabric. batik art of decorating cloth using wax ,dye,and has been practiced for centuries.sihnthe Lao womens angkle long skirt whose form is undeniable but whose patterns are unique to each skirt. simpurits design have their national flower simpur,sumboi-sumboi (pitcher plant),and brunei's traditional design of air muleh.unevel twillit yields single or two-color fabrics,which produced by weaving three so that color of one thread dominates on one side of the fabric,while the two others determine the color on the reverse side.golden thread silkwe have a passion for its fabric, food and culture.module muna bago ml​


iiiiiiidonnt noowwwwwww! bbbnb

9. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer 1. It is famous for its hand-grown, spun, dyed, handwoven cotton and silk fabrics made by Lao village women. A. Laos C. Vietnam B. Cambodia D. Brunei 2. It is famous for fabrics, specially its silk produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworm to the loom. A. Vietnam C. Thailand B. Cambodia D. Laos 3. Modern textiles have traces of motifs imitating clothing details on ancient stone sculptures. A. Laos C. Brunei B. Vietnam D. Cambodia 4. Its design has their national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi (pitcher plant). A. Vietnam C. Laos B. Thailand D. Brunei 5. Golden thread silks were born in this place. A. Thailand C. Brunei B. Vietnam D. Cambodia​


1. A






Basta yan yung tama

10. its design have their national flowers simpur sumboi-sumboi and brunei traditonal desugn of air muleh

Answer: Batik of brunei

Explanation: kase yan yung lumabas nung search ko ihh

11. I need a help Please answer correctly ,Thank you .. It’s designs have their national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi (pitcher plant)


Batik of Brunei


Its design have their national flower simpur sumboi sumboi and Brunei traditional design of air muleh

12. Direction: Study the words written on the box. Identify which phrases fits the unique characteristics of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei batik. Write your answer on your activity notebook. 1. It has highly refined design in traditional patterns and colors. 2. They uses brighter colors and more intricate flower and cloud designs. 3. It is famous for its geometrical designs, such as spirals 4. Their most popular motifs are leaves and flowers. 5. Humans or animals design are rare except butterfly 6. Geometrical or floral patterns are applied to fabrics 7. Their patterns are quite complex and seems to have aversion to empty space 8. Their designs is the national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi 9. Their designs are created through the art of layering and mixing of colors injected with creativity 10. Their batik is used as the uniform of flight attendants for the official flag carrier airlines​


1.Indonesia Batik

2.Indonesia Batik

3.Malaysian Batik

4.Malaysian Batik

5.Malaysian Batik


7.Singapore Batik

8.Brunei Batik

9.Handmade Batik


sana makatulong po

13. brunei traditional designs are simpur sumboi sumboi ​


batik of brunei

i am not sure of my answer:)

14. How does the batik of Brunei differ from Indonesian batik?A.Brunei's batik have their national flower simpur as design.B.Brunei's batik incorporated leaves in their designC.Brunei's batik is hand paintedD.Brunei's batik has geometric motif.​




15. which country from southeast asia where their fabrics embedded with their national flower called simpur and sumboi-sumboi


brunei po





Brunei's traditional textile is also called batik but it is uniquely different from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. It's designs have their national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi (pitcher plant) and Brunei's traditional design of air muleh.

16. DIRECTIONS: Choose from the box 8.) Batik with multiple dyes 9) Brunei national flower 10.) Brunei pitcher plant 11.) Brunei traditional design 12.) Batik lay-out in water tray 13.) Batik lay-out that is crumpled 14-15.) Two fabrics for Brunei batik Airbrush Cracking Simpur Bubble Rainbow Air Muleh Cotton Sprinkle Sumboi-sumboi Geometry Brocade Silk Brush Marble Block​


Brunei traditional design

17. How does the Batik of Brunei differ from that Batik from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore?a. Brunei's batik has geometric motifb. Brunei's batik have their national flower simpur as designC. Brunei's batik incorporated leaves and flowers in their designd. Brunei's batik is hand painted​


B. po ang sagot


hindi po ako sigurado sa sagot ko po

18. If brunei's batik has their national flower "Simpur" as a design, what about Malaysian batik? A. Animal B. Free form design C. Flower design D. Human figure​


C)Flower Design.


Sana makatulong


B. Free form design


pa brianly po plss

19. Activity 2: WHICH IS WHICH? Direction: Study the words written on the box. Identify which phrases fits the unique characteristics of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei batik. Write your answer on your activity notebook.1. It has highly refined design in traditional patterns and colors 2. They uses brighter colors and more intricate flower and cloud designs 3. It is famous for its geometrical designs, such as spirals 4. Their most popular motifs are leaves and flowers. 5. Humans or animals design are rare except butterfly. 6. Geometrical or floral patterns are applied to fabrics 7 Their patterns are quite complex and seems to have aversion to empty space 8. Their designs is the national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi 9 Their designs are created through the art of layering and mixing of colors injected with creativity 10. Their batik is used as the uniform of flight attendants for the official flag carrier airlines.Pa help lang po ​


particularly you need to identify the summarise excuses to do a materially joint bone


tapos na naming ma answering uan

20. what is the means of simpur​


Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland.

21. Brunei's traditional textile is also called____but it is uniquely different from Indonesia,Malaysia & Singapore. It's design has its national flower Simpur,sun-boi (pitcher plant), and Brunei's traditional design muleh.a. Batikb. The Dropc. Hand & Block Paintedd. Hand Painted​


A. Batik is the traditional textile of brunei

22. If Brunei’s batik has their national flower “Simpur” as a design, what about Malaysian batik?a. animalb. free formc. flowerd. human figure​




its flower cuz simpur thats traditional flower and the question is (batik has their national flower)

#carryonlearning staysafe

23. A. Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and write the letter and word of the correct answerson your activity sheet1. How do you call by the fabric that is commonly used in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei?3. Batikb. Batekc. Dye-tikd Fabric2. Which of the following best explains why Malaysians incorporated leaves and flowers in their batik?a To make it more artisticb. To look similar to Indonesiac. To be different from other countriesd. To avoid interpretation of human and animal images as idolatry,3. What makes the Brunei's traditional batik textile different from other countries?a. It's geometric design is uniqueb. It's design is more detailed and delicate.It's design has their National flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi and air mulehd. It's design has their National plants, animals, hero, artistic and delicate.​







24. What makes the Brunei's traditional batik textile different from other countries? a. It's geometric design is unique b. It's design is more detailed and delicate. c. It's design has their National flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi and air muleh.sorry but I really² need now some answer.​


. c. It's design has their National flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi and air muleh.


Brunei's traditional textile is also called batik but it is uniquely different from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Its designs have their national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi (pitcher plant), and Brunei's traditional design of air muleh.

25. If Brunei's batik has their national flower "simpur" as a design. what about malaysian batik?​

If Brunei's batik has their national flower "simpur" as a design. what about malaysian batik?​


Hand-drawn batik and stamped batik are the two main types of batik in Malaysia.

Batik by HandHand-Drawn Batik is a type of batik in which the designs are drawn on the fabric with hot liquid wax and a metal object called a canting.After the wax outlines have been completed, the artists use brushes to paint the dyes within the outlines. Brushes can be used to create shaded and multi-hued designs.Cotton, rayon, linen, voile, and silk are among the fabrics used. These fabrics are patterned with floral and geometrical motifs that are arranged in a variety of layouts based on current trends.

Block-Printed BatikStamped or block-printed batik is another type of batik. A copper block or, occasionally, a wooden stamp with an artistically patterned bottom will be used to replace the canting.The wax-dipped block is printed onto the fabric, which is then dip-dyed. The wax is then removed, and a single-color batik is created. Waxing with different blocks and de-waxing will be done many times to create multi-colors and more complex block-printed batik.Cotton is a popular fabric for block-printed batik, and the output quantity is approximately 20 metres, depending on the original fabric size. For casual wear, block-printed batik is usually tailored into shirts and dresses.

What is Batik?

Batik, simply put, is an art form that uses wax as a resist method to decorate cloth. Batik, derived from the Javanese words amba (to write) and titik (dot), is an old form of art that loosely translates as wax writing or drawing with a broken line. Batik is essentially a crafted fabric that must undergo the delicate and repeated process of waxing, dyeing, and boiling. In the coloring process, wax is used to block out colors. Every part of the fabric that is unaffected by a particular color must be waxed.

Batik of Indonesia and modern batik of Malaysia:


26. what country is simpur


Dillenia or commonly known as Simpoh or Simpor or Simpur is a genus of 100 species of flowering plants in the family Dilleniaceae, native to tropical and subtropical regions of southern Asia, Australasia, and the Indian Ocean islands.


27. Which country from southeast asia where their fabrics embeded with their national flower called simpur and sumboi-sumboi?​




basta Brunei yan trust me

28. which country from southeast asia where their fabrics embedded with their national flower called simpur & sumboi sumboi​


Malaysia is the answer

29. Which country use simpur for their national flower, as their design to their batik​

The country of Brunei uses "Bunga Simpur" as their national flower so as for art




Bunga Simpur is the national flower of Negara Brunei Darussalam. It is a yellow flower and pink fruit.

30. 1. Brunei's Traditional Designs are simpur, sumisombo and__a. air mulehb. batikc. sihnd. The silk​


D.the silk or c. sihn


I'm nor sure

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