Evolution Concept Map

Evolution Concept Map

Concept Mapping Evolution? ​

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1. Concept Mapping Evolution? ​



2. stellar evolution concept map

Here's an concept map.Hope will be corrected.

3. concept map of evidence for evolution​


•fossil record


•comparative anatomy

•comparative embryology

•molecular biology


hope it helps

spread luvs (✿^‿^)


>How is survival and adaptation related to the concept of evolution?


>The concept of natural choice is

that developments that may be handed down allow organisms to conform to the surroundings better than other organisms of the identical species. This enables better survival and duplicate as compared with different members of the species, main to evolution


>i hope it helped you


5. II. Concept Map You have learned about the three evidences of evolution, but there a more. Create a concept map (like the one below) showing the thr evidences you have learned, plus other evidences like: a. Vestigial structures b. Biogeography c. Direct observation​


evidence isto very important


hope its help

6. give the five causes of evolution by completing the concept map​

•non-random mating,
•gene flow
•finite population size (genetic drift)
•natural selection.

7. Interpret the concepts. Theories and Evolution of Human Development


This chapter will briefly describe the seven major theoretical perspectives or theories on human development: Maturationist Theory, Psychoanalytic Theory, Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, Behaviorism Theory, Biopsychosocial Theory, Cognitive Development Theory, and Ecological System Theory.

8. II. Concept Map You have learned about the three evidences of evolution, but there are more. Create a concept map (like the one below) showing the three evidences you have learned, plus other evidences like: a. Vestigial structures b. Biogeography c. Direct observation 21​

there you go here's my answer ⬆️


correct me if I'm wrong


Because Of The Gravity Of The Earth

10. concept mapyou have learned about the three evidences of evolution, but there are more. create a concept map like the one below showing the three evidences you have learned plus other evidences like: a vestigial structures b biogeography C direct observation ​

hope it helps,meron kasi akong anser kay dyan

11. Create a concept map on the “Evolution of Bureaucracy in the Philippines” and provide a brief discussion on your illustration.plss pakisagot po​

TIMELINE ON THE EVOLUTION OF BUREAUCRACY IN THE PHILIPPINESThe Philippine national government is patterned after the American one and consists of an executive branch with a president, a bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives and a Senate, and a judicial branch with the Philippine Supreme Court presiding over the federal court system.

BureaucracyImplementation, administration, and regulation are the three main governmental functions carried out by the federal bureaucracy. Congress establishes rules to implement new policies when it adopts legislation.


June 12, 1898

The first Republic of the Philippines, the first constitutional democracy in Asia, was proclaimed by the revolution's leaders, who also declared the nation to be a sovereign state.


Peace ProclamationPublic education and a solid legal system were among the tangible underpinnings for democracy that U.S. officials focused on developing.


The first governing body was chosen. It was decided to construct a bicameral legislature, mostly controlled by the Philippines.


The Tydings-McDuffie Act established the Philippines as a self-governing commonwealth. The new administration, which had a 10-year transition period before independence was to be granted, was headed by Manuel Quezon.

July 4, 1946

The Philippines gained independence from the Philippine Islands.Out of the destruction caused by the conflict, extensive rehabilitation and reconstruction was initiated.Cruz, Manila up until September 1946, when it was given to the Philippine Government's Department of Foreign Affairs. Broadcasting Board for Radio.


NEDA was formed


The Rural Banking System was established on June 6, 1952, when President Elpidio Quirino signed the bill creating Republic Act # 720, also known as the Rural Banks Act (Annual report 1979).

June 22, 1963

An agricultural economics bureau was established.


The Philippines' push for decentralization and local administration has resulted in a significant overhaul of the bureaucracy there.Habeas Corpus was suspended when Proclamation 29The Military Governors shall have the responsibility of putting a stop to treason, sedition, disorder, and violence; ensuring that all those who disturb the peace of the community and break the law are punished; and defending individuals in the exercise of their legal rights.


Three main government branches were reestablished.

February 2, 1987

Ratification of the 1972 constitution

Main branches of the Government



12. organize your thoughts about darwin's ideas of evolution by filling out the concept map below ​

Descent with modification. - Darwin believed that animals 'evolve' aka descend with modification based on animals more fitting/adapted to the environment. For example, giraffes were believed that they had short necks before thus giving them a hard time to find food on taller trees. However, there are different breeds of giraffe whose neck are longer - making them have a better chance to survive. Short-necked giraffes < dead = longer-neck giraffes > dead.

Natural Selection. - Giraffes with shorter neck are prone to malnutrition, this predicament prevents them to have energy to run from predators - which results to dying. Longer neck giraffes, on the other hand, have way more energy and can run faster/defeat predators via stomping/swaying their necks.

Common ancestor/shared various physical characteristics- The giraffes we have now have really long necks but we can't deny that they once had an ancestor of shorter..neck and/or different physical structure. Scientists believes that giraffes originally came from okapi(s) though as the environment changes so would their physical characteristics to further adapt with time,.

13. complete the concept map below list down three instances that shows that concept of evolution ​


Wheres the concept map?


14. concept map about evolution life​


concept map of evoluton of life


#hope it helps

15. Create a concept map of the historical developments of the Theory of Evolution​


Yan po. Hope it helps. Kepp safe

16. Enumerate the key concepts in the evolution theory of Darwin. Explain how it affect in the human evolution.



Dont know drawning is barutiful

17. d. analogous structures You have learned about the three evidences of evolution, but there are more. Create a concept map (like the one below) showing the three evidences you have learned, plus other evidences like: a. Vestigial structures b. Biogeography II. Concept Mappa help po ​


I hope that it will help you po ;)


18. CONCEPT MAP OF Charles Darwin, evolution, natural selection, origin of species, ​


Charles Darwin's theory. In 1859, Charles Darwin set out his theory of evolution by natural selection as an explanation for adaptation and speciation. He defined natural selection as the "principle by which each slight variation [of a trait], if useful, is preserved".


hope helps

19. According to Charles Darwin what is the concept of evolution?​

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution states that evolution happens by natural selection. Individuals in a species show variation in physical characteristics. ... As a consequence those individuals most suited to their environment survive and, given enough time, the species will gradually evolve.

Evolution relies on there being genetic variation in population which affects the physical characteristics (phenotype) of an organism.

20. make a concept map of the evolution of social welfare in the philippines​


In 1946, the Philippines was proclaimed a republic. ... A key development for the social work profession came in 1965, when Republic Act 4373 introduced regulation of social work and of the operation of social work agencies. In 1965, Ferdinand Marcos became President of the country, a position he retained until 1986.


Ang Jougan ay isiniwalat upang makita at maramdaman ang chakra. Sa Leni franchise, ang chakra ay ang kapangyarihang ginamit upang mabuo ang mga pag-atake na ginagamit ng ninjas. Gamit ang kanyang mata, nasubaybayan ni Rastaaman ang ilang pirma ng chakra. Sa hinaharap, maaaring posible para sa Rastaaman na gamitin ang kanyang mata upang subaybayan ang sinuman

21. Which of the following is/are correct regarding the concept of evolution?​


Where's the following po??



Definition: the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more off spring.

why do organisms change over:

altered genes

novel traits

new species

Darwin's concept of natural selection:





yan yung sagot ko.. sana makatulong

23. darwins theory of evolution is based on the concept of​


Charles Darwin's theory of evolution states that evolution happens by natural selection. Individuals in a species show variation in physical characteristics. ... As a consequence those individuals most suited to their environment survive and, given enough time, the species will gradually evolve.

24. list down 3 intances that shows the concept of evolution. ​


QUATERNARY- evolution of human

JURASSIC- first birds, dinosaurs diversify

NEOGENE- mammals diversity


yan n po sana nakatulong

25. IDENTIFICATION.he is the famous theory of evolution. he changed our concept of the world's craetion and its evolution.​


In the early 19th century Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) proposed his theory of the transmutation of species, the first fully formed theory of evolution. In 1858 Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace published a new evolutionary theory, explained in detail in Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859).

26. who introduced the concept of evolution?​


Charles Darwin


The theory of evolution is a shortened form of the term “theory of evolution by natural selection,” which was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the nineteenth century.

27. Is the concept of darwin to evolution still accepted?

Answer:Darwin's theory of evolution is now universally accepted

Hope it helps

Happy to Help^_^

28. what major biological concepts in addition to evolution?​


Four unifying principles form the foundation of modern biology: cell theory, evolution, genetics and homeostasis. Biology as a separate science was developed in the nineteenth century, as scientists discovered that organisms shared fundamental characteristics.

i hope it helps you! click the Brainliest Answer. thankieee!

29. II. Concept Map You have learned about the three evidences of evolution, but there are more. Create a concept map (like the one below) showing the three evidences you have learned, plus other evidences like: a. Vestigial structures b. Biogeography c. Direct observation 21​


II. Concept Map You have learned about the three evidences of evolution, but there are more. Create a concept map (like the one below) showing the three evidences you have learned, plus other evidences like: a. Vestigial structures b. Biogeography c. Direct observation 21

30. Enumerate the five causes of evolution by completing the concept map​



non-random mating,

gene flow

finite population size (genetic drift)

natural selection.

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