You Are Supposed To Design A Personalized Fitness Plan

You Are Supposed To Design A Personalized Fitness Plan

you are supposed to design a personalized fitness plan

1. you are supposed to design a personalized fitness plan

Start with fitness test so you know the level of fitness does your client. From there, you can now create personalized fitness plan based on the result of his fitness assessment. If his fitness level is low- then start with simple and light weight exercises before progressing to more complex exercises.

2. you are supposed to design a personalized fitness plan brainly

Consider your fitness goals. ...Create a balanced routine. ...Start low and progress slowly. ...Build activity into your daily routine. ...Plan to include different activities. ...Try high-interval intensity training. ...Allow time for recovery. ...Put it on paper.

3. you are supposed to design a personalized fitness plan brainly

correct me if I'm wrong..

4. You are supposed to design a personalized fitness plan. Arrange the following goalsaccording to level of importance. Use numbers 1-11, 1 being the most importante11 being the least important.Improve cardiovascular fitnessBody-fat weight lossReshape or tone my bodyBuild more muscleIncrease energy levelImprove flexibilityImprove performance for a specific sportIncrease strengthImprove mood and ability to cope with stressFeel better/improved healthEnjoyrnent​













There's no wrong answer here.

5. You are supposed to design a personalized fitness plan. Arrange the following goalsaccording to level of importance. Use numbers 1-11, 1 being the most important and11 being the least important.Improve cardiovascular fitnessBody-fat weight lossReshape or tone my bodyBuild more muscleIncrease energy levelImprove flexibilityImprove performance for a specific sportIncrease strengthImprove mood and ability to cope with stressFeel better/improved healthEnjoyment​


1. enjoyment

2. feel better/improved health

3. improve mood and ability to cope with stress

4. increase energy level

5. reshape/tone my body

6. improve cardiovascular fitness

7. increase strength

8. im prove flexibility

9. improve performance for a specific sport

10. build more muscle

11. body fat weight loss


the first one i pick is enjoyment because how could i continue on making my body fit if i dont enjoy what im doing. Lastly, i pick body fat weight loss as the least important because im already thin and i have to gain weight.

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Kategori physical_education