Wall Footing Details

Wall Footing Details

Learning Task 2: Go back to the illustrations given in the introduction phase, analyze the details and give the data asked below: 1. No. ( pcs. ) of vertical bars required in the column 2. Height of slab for column footing 3. Diameter of the vertical bars required 4. Overall depth of the column footing from the finished ground level 5. Size of the column footing ( width x length ) 6. Overall depth of wall footing from FGL 7. Placement of horizontal bar at CHB pile 8. Size of steel bar for the wall footing 9. Number of column footing ( CF1 ) required in the sample plan 10. Number of column footing ( CF2 ) required in the sample plan​

Daftar Isi

1. Learning Task 2: Go back to the illustrations given in the introduction phase, analyze the details and give the data asked below: 1. No. ( pcs. ) of vertical bars required in the column 2. Height of slab for column footing 3. Diameter of the vertical bars required 4. Overall depth of the column footing from the finished ground level 5. Size of the column footing ( width x length ) 6. Overall depth of wall footing from FGL 7. Placement of horizontal bar at CHB pile 8. Size of steel bar for the wall footing 9. Number of column footing ( CF1 ) required in the sample plan 10. Number of column footing ( CF2 ) required in the sample plan​

so sino na mag aanswer nito ginagawa nyo

2. TLE PO YANDirections: You have just finished the study of some working drawing in an architectural drawing. To ensure understanding, try your best to supply the needed information to complete the following statements. Encircle the correct answer. 1. This are to be used to give information when allowed by the specification by the use of terms such as "as shown on the plans," as directed by the engineer" or others his is the dimension that gives the detail and overall sizes of the object. a. general notes b. footings d. construction notes Can C. columns 2. A pillar in architecture and structural engineering is a structural element that transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure above to other structural elements below. a general notes b. footings C. columns d. construction notes 3. A complete structural detail of a common or typical truss of a building either wooden or steel. a. general notes b. Foundation Plan C. Roof Framing Plan d. Truss Detail 4. A structural excavation plan of footings and walls of a building. Is the part of the building below the surface of the ground which is sometimes called the substructure a. general notes b. Foundation Plan c. Roof Framing Plan d. Truss Detail 5. Apart of foundation directly supporting the column or post of a house. A detail drawing of building footings with specific requirements. a general notes b. footings- C. columns d. construction notes​


1. D. Construction Notes

2. C. Columns

3. D. Truss Detail

4. B. Foundation Plan

5. B. Footings








I hope it helps.

pa brainlest po.

3. DIRECTION; match the statement with its sign and symbols in the box. write only the letter on the space provided before it's number.A. FCB. THKC. WFD. BWSE. NGLF. FING. @H. MOCI. FLJ. ZFK. F2C1L. F1C2_____1.) SECOND FOUNDATION DETAIL AND FIRST COLUMN DETAIL._____2.) WALL FOOTING OR FOUNDATION._____3.) REFERS TO NOTES ON THAT PARTICULAR INSTANCE._____4.) FIRST FOUNDATION DETAIL AND SECOND COLUMN DETAILS._____5.) METER ON CENTER_____6.) BOTH WAYS OR BOTH SIDES._____7.) REFERS TO FOUNDATION AND COLUMN._____8.) NATURAL GRADE LINE_____9.) FLOOR LINE.​


1:D.BWS . 2:E.NGL. 3:K.F2C1 4. I.Fl

5. A.FC 6. L.F1C2 7. J.ZF 8. F.FIN 9. G.@


hope it's help

4. LEARNING ACTIVITY 10: RecallDIRECTION: From the description below, identify what component of the technical plan it refers to.​1.this shows the appearance of the finished building and represent the actual form of the building answer:2. a diagram that shows the proposed movements to property answer:3. it is a structural excavation plan of footings and walls of a building answer:4.contains both the water system plan, the sewage plan, and a storm drainage system answer:5.the plant that contains the lightning layout power layout and specification details of the house answer:​



2,venn diagram

3,foundation plan

4,plumbing plan

5,Electrical Plan

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