No Homework Policy

No Homework Policy

no homework policy or with homework ? why?​

1. no homework policy or with homework ? why?​

Answer:With Homework

Explanation:kasi kung makikita natin mas lalong ma pepresure ang mga studyande sa paaralan at sa bahay naman ay tatamarin mag aral ng mabuti at mas bibigyan pa nila ng pansin na mag libang sa kakalaro ng cp at kung ano ano

2. fact,value and policy of no homework policy​


What is the importance of no homework policy?

By ensuring that they complete all assignments and projects in school, the no-homework policy enables our learners to find balance between their academic development and personal growth by having ample time for enjoyable activities with family

3. make a essay ahout no homework policy with introduction conclusion and do you agree with no homework policy?​

No Assignment Policy Essay
No homework essay introduction
Just imagine it’s a Sunday night. You’re all comfortable and tired, and just trying to relax because you had a great weekend. You’re just about to fall asleep, but then you realize, you have homework. Now you either get up and do all your homework, or you just leave it and take the zero. I know everybody in this room can relate to this situation because it’s happened to every single one of us before. That is why I’m talking to you about having a no homework policy in schools.
No homework policy: pros and cons
I’ll bet any amount of money that when any of you even hear the word homework, you don’t get happy or excited about it. So, if nobody like it, then why do we still have it? There are many more cons about homework then there are pros. The few pros are that some people believe that homework builds character and teaches good study habits. (Kohn 1) These “pros” are just myths that have been passed down, it has never really been proven that homework really does build character and teaches good study habits.

4. sang-ayon sa no homework policy?​


Oo, bilang estudyante na nakakaranas ng sabay sabay na takdang aralin sumasang-ayon ako sa no homework policy sapagkat mahirap tapusin ang mga aralin sa isang araw lamang lalo na't may mga gawain din ako sa bahay na kailangang gawin.



Because homework is an activity that shows if we learn something in the discussion/lesson.


6. position paper of no homework policy

position paper of no homework policy.


No homework policy is a good policy, it was legislated for the purpose of reducing students' assignments and not to abolished it. No homework policy is a general statement, it should be defined in a simple way so that everybody will understand it.  Students might misunderstand this statement. Homework should be to reduce everyday and on Friday there should be no given assignment to all students so that on the following days like Saturday and Sunday, they may have more time for family bonding. But in our time, Unfortunately, some students have a lot of alibis, certainly, they might abuse this policy why because instead of giving quality time for their family, they just use the no homework policy for other unnecessary things like using cellphones all day long or all night long or if not they will go somewhere doing nothing. Assignments must not be abolished because giving the assignment to students is a way of verification or assessment if a student learned something from the class. Reducing it is an ideal solution.

7. No homework policy?

The no-homework policy is a bill proposed by Senator Grace Poe. As of now, this bill has not been passed as law. The bill aims to ensure that students are not given homework during the weekends. The bill does not state that students will not receive homework during weekdays or school nights.

The basis for this bill are studies, statistics, and scientific observations made on students around the world. A student's holistic development does not solely revolve around studying and performing learning activities for school. They also need wholesome and enriching interactions with their peers, families, and other people. They also need breathing space for rest and recreation.

Some experts have even said that anything more than four hours of homework per week may no longer have beneficial effects on the academic or intellectual performance of students and a surplus may even be detrimental to their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

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8. Arguments about no homework policy​


House Bill 3883, filed by Quezon City Representative Alfred Vargas this month, sought to ban homework only on weekends, citing research that suggests homework reduces family time and negatively impacts a child's interest in learning.






DISSAGREE because ‘No homework’ policy is no goodWE do not agree with the position of the Department of Education (DepEd) that a “no homework” policy, prohibiting teachers from assigning academic work to be completed by students outside of regular school hours, is beneficial to Filipino students.

10. what is the negative effect of homework policy​




Research showed that excessive homework is associated with high stress levels, physical health problems and lack of balance in children's lives; 56% of the students in the study cited homework as a primary stressor in their lives

11. opinyon sa no homework policy​


It means that to implicate no doing homework or no homework for students policy i don't specifically allow this or want this but i think that it will take more time for students to relax.

12. positive and negative effects of No Homework policy



-you will just focus on studies


- You will be bored at home especially in weekends

- Assignment is also important cuz it can be reviewers in your exams






“It will be dangerous for the child to have no homework because it would lead to a poor study habit,” he explained


The learning capability of the child will decline. They cannot hone and develop the skills they learn in the classroom.

WE do not agree with the position of the Department of Education (DepEd) that a “no homework” policy, prohibiting teachers from assigning academic work to be completed by students outside of regular school hours, is beneficial to Filipino students.

pabrainliest po<3

15. no homework policy diagree​

they said that if there's no an assignment, students will have enough time to their family but the problem is we can't say that that student will having bond to his/her family, maybe he/she will just use his/her gadgets at all,so disagree

16. no homework policy agree ​


I agree

I agree that by giving students less homework, you'll probably discover that they like learning more, sleep better, enjoy outdoor activities more, are less overworked, and have more enjoyable activities with family

17. ano ang no homework policy


Ang home work policy ay isang batas na pinag babawal ang paggawa ng takdang aralin pero hindi pa ito na apprubaran na isang batas


Ang no homework policy ay isang polisiya kung saan ay ipinapatupad na pagpapabawalin na MAGbigay ng mga takdang aral in ang mga Guro sa kanilang mga estudyante.

MAY mga house bills nga regarding dito. Nakalimutan ko Lang Yung number.

Basta, Yung isa, ipinagbabawal ang pag bigay ng mga takdang aral in tuwing weekends lamang.

Habang Yung isang house bill ay bawal talaga ang pag bigay ng mga takdang aralin at ipinagbabawal din ang pag dala ng mga textbooks sa labas ng paaralan para hindi na mabigat an ang mga estudyante sa pagdadala nito.


18. opinyon sa no homework policy


Instead of giving homework, the school must extend the duration of their classes because homework ruins the rest and free time of every child. Instead of using those times to explore their skills or hobbies, they won't have time for those, I believe that school alone is not the only thing children must think of.

Vote Red Velvet


19. NO HOMEWORK POLICY disagree why?​


pa brainlest po

please please



Education Secretary Leonor Briones recently engaged in a public pitch for the policy, which is now the subject of a couple of pending bills in Congress. We have a great deal of respect for Secretary Briones’ knowledge and experience as an educator, and her arguments in favor of the policy should be given careful consideration. Doing just that, however, leads to the conclusion that a solution other than what she and supportive legislators are proposing is in order.

The arguments for a “no homework” policy ostensibly take into account the welfare of students, their families and teachers. Excessive homework — or to state the argument more accurately, any homework at all — is physically taxing on students, many of them very young, after they have already spent a full strenuous day in the classroom. Projects that students are expected to complete at home often pose a burdensome expense on parents, who may not have a ready budget for the last-minute purchase of needed materials. Assigning homework also adds to the workload of teachers, who must grade these assignments in addition to their everyday work of preparing lessons.

By banning homework, all these problems are avoided. Students are afforded proper time for rest and relaxation, and families are spared the burden of unforeseen expenses, or time spent shopping for required materials that may be difficult to find on short notice. Teachers are also spared the extra time and effort to check homework assignments, and can devote more time to classroom preparation and work. Secretary Briones has also suggested the policy would be beneficial in allowing more time for children and parents to bond socially.

Those are all very reasonable considerations. Unfortunately, they completely overlook the trade-offs that may be more harmful in the long run by eroding the quality of education, and as a consequence, the future competitiveness of young Filipinos.

Homework is a vital part of education, because it gives students the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom. This occurs in two ways — not only by creatively applying the educational content, but also in giving students practice in developing good work habits and methods. From a practical point of view, homework allows “more education” than can be fit into a few hours of a school day. And far from preventing families from bonding, homework encourages parents to become more involved in their children’s educational activities.

Although the concern for the welfare of students and their families is appropriate, that welfare will be hurt in the long run if the students fall short of the volume of educational content they can access, developing problem-solving and creative thinking skills, and parental awareness and involvement in their educational activities. As a result of a “no homework” policy, Filipino students will be less prepared for higher education or the workforce, and ultimately the entire country will suffer the consequences.

We suggest that, rather than a “no homework” policy, DepEd should review and modify existing policies regarding homework to ensure that they meet productive goals. Homework should have clear educational objectives, and certainly should not pose undue physical and financial burdens on students and their families. Those standards can be achieved, however, without resorting to banning homework entirely, and still ensure that our youth are adequately prepared to take on the challenges of a competitive world.



















The Manila Times © 2021





I disagree because students need to learn they need to have homework so that they will be disciplined and they will learn even if they are home

kung agree wala po akong sagot sa agree

21. Who is the author of no homework policy ​


No-homework' policy bill filed in

SenateMANILA, Philippines — Sen. Grace Poe filed a Senate bill banning teachers to give homework or assignments to students on weekends.

The senator authored Senate Bill 966 or the proposed "No Homework Law."

"All primary and secondary schools in the country shall not allow teachers to give any network or assignments to students from Kinder to Grade 12 on weekends," the bill read.

Under the proposed measure, teachers may only assign homework to students on weekends provided that it be minimal and will not require more than four hours to be completed.

Poe stressed that the "no homework" policy on weekends will be applied to both public and private schools.

22. argument essay about no homework policy​

No Homework Policy

The claim that no-homework policies do not improve academic performance is the one made most frequently in favor of them. If young people find their academic pursuits tedious and challenging, how can it be true that they will lead the future generation? They are under pressure to perform to the best of their abilities due to the high expectations of society.

Even though I don't go to elementary or secondary school, I will support the "no homework policy" as a college student. I found it difficult to do all of my homework and paperwork during my senior year. Being the oldest in our family, I am also in charge of taking care of the home, making it challenging for me to complete my homework after school. Even on the weekends, we are unable to socialize with our friends, classmates, and family due to our schoolwork. We have no choice but to complete our schoolwork over the weekends, so we do it at home. Our mentality is one of survival, even if we don't even love it.

Not all of us are wealthy, and many of us have shaky financial situations. The money our parents worked really hard to earn is what we utilize every day. We stick to a budget and only make purchases that are actually necessary. However, we have some schoolwork that involves printing and searching, so we must lower our allowance rather than buy food. We won't have as much money for our daily expenses as a result of those homework tasks.

Many of us have spent the entire day under intense emotional tension. We plan how to complete our coursework before tomorrow over the weekends, which is a time when we ought to be unwinding and revitalizing. Because of our assignments, we have all experienced insomniac nights and are unable to even eat on time.

Learn more about related topic by visiting the link below:


23. Write no homework policy


By ensuring that they complete all assignments and projects in school, the no-homework policy enables our learners to find balance between their academic development and personal growth by having ample time for enjoyable activities with family,” the department said in a statement.

24. position paper about no homework policy

I agree with this policy especially for kinder to gradeschool students because I think that the school shouldn't take away a lot of time that's allotted to their families but for college and highschool students I think they still need homeworks to practice or further their knowledge.


25. reference of no homework policy​


po question poba yan ask lang hu

26. no homework policy statement of position​


WE do not agree with the position of the Department of Education (DepEd) that a “no homework” policy, prohibiting teachers from assigning academic work to be completed by students outside of regular school hours, is beneficial to Filipino students. ... By banning homework, all these problems are avoided

27. Opinions about no homework policy?

No homework policy has both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is you can learn in advance on what the homework is about, cause of what we all know, homeworks are mostly the lessons discussed the day after. And, the disadvantage is if that specific student is busy at home, doing chores, or have things to settle at home, can't do the homework. Sometimes homework can help us learn, but homework given in a daily basis is not suitable for us. We have 5-8 subjects a day, so how can we handle all if all those 5-8 subjects have homework? Steady lang ta sa homework mga maam/sir

28. Body of No homework policy​


pooooooooointssa yeeeah

29. no homework policy inrtoduction​


im disagree with this policy this doesnt not make semse

30. Do you agree in no homework policy

Answer: No

Explanation: Homework does not hinder bond with the family members since most of the homeworks given take only a few hours of the students' time during weekends. It is just a matter of time management. And I believe time management is a skill that our young people needs to learn and acquire. And it would be best if they learn this skill even outside the four corners of the classroom.

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