Lubchenco Chart

Lubchenco Chart

pie charts and bar charys belongto which type of infographic?​

Daftar Isi

1. pie charts and bar charys belongto which type of infographic?​


1 Statistical

As its name implies, this type of infographic incorporates different charts and graphs into it to showcase various statistics. For example, the demographics report above includes pie charts, pictograms, a bar graph and a map.

2. Direction: List down the examples of Chants and Lullaby from the Vocal Music in Mindanao, Writeyour answer on the chart provided.pasagot po please.​


Langan Bata Bata - Lullabye of Tausug. 2.Tarasul - Tausug song of advice to wedded couple. 3.Dekir- death song of Maranao. 4.Dekil- Maguindanao dirge in vigil.

9. Religious Chant 1. Salathul Juma- Friday prayer chant 2. Tarawe - chant during the Ramadan Folk Epic Rajah 3. Indarapatra - Maguindanao 4Darangen - Maranao

3. it was named after to a french military charles-agustin and the SI unit of electric charge which represented by C



The SI unit of charge is the Coulomb (C), [pronounced kool'·ōm] named after French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, who developed Coulomb's law (below). A Coulomb is the amount of charge on 6.242 × 1018 electrons.

4. 7. In the process of charging by induction, the charged conductor must charge an uncharged object. Which of the following shows charging by induction A. It is charged through touching the uncharged object by the charged conductor B. It is charged by rubbing the charged conductor to the uncharged object C. The charged conductor must be brought closer but not touching the uncharged object D. The charged conductor and the uncharged object must be heated together 8. How does charging by conduction differ from charging by induction?A. Charging by conduction charges by touching the uncharged object while charging by induction charges at a distance, B Charging by conduction charges at a distance while charging by induction charges by touching the uncharged object C. Charging by conduction and induction charpes by rubbing the two uncharged objects, D. Charging by conduction charges by rubbing the uncharged and charged objects while charping by induction charges at a distance, 9. Il a material becomes positively charged after being rubbed, what does it indicate? A. it gains protons B. it gains electrons C. it loses protons D. it loses electrons 10. If you comb your hair and the comb becomes negatively charged, your hair becomes A. positively charged B. negatively charged C, neutral D. cannot be determined​


7. In the process of charging by induction, the charged conductor must charge an uncharged object. Which of the following shows charging by induction

A. It is charged through touching the uncharged object by the charged conductor B. It is charged by rubbing the charged conductor to the uncharged object

C. The charged conductor must be brought closer but not touching the uncharged object

D. The charged conductor and the uncharged object must be heated together

8. How does charging by conduction differ from charging by induction?

A. Charging by conduction charges by touching the uncharged object while charging by induction charges at a distance,

B Charging by conduction charges at a distance while charging by induction charges by touching the uncharged object C. Charging by conduction and induction charpes by rubbing the two uncharged objects,

D. Charging by conduction charges by rubbing the uncharged and charged objects while charping by induction charges at a distance,

9. Il a material becomes positively charged after being rubbed, what does it indicate?

A. it gains protons

B. it gains electrons

C. it loses protons

D. it loses electrons

10. If you comb your hair and the comb becomes negatively charged, your hair becomes

A. positively charged

B. negatively charged

C, the same

D. cannot be determined

5. 3. A chart that is used to measure visual acuity, or how well somebody seesa color chartC. pie chartb. number chartd. Snellen chart​


D. Snellen chart or Big E" chart


Snellen eye chart, usually topped by the big letter "E", is a common visual acuity test used to measure your sharpness of vision at multiple distances.

6. REFLECTION Directions: Write your reflective learning on the different types of charging processes by filling up the KWL chart below. What I already KNOW?What I WANT to know?What I LEARNED?about po sa conduction.friction,induction,static electricity,Law of Conservation of charge​


What i already know?

Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers and material elements sliding against each other.

Conduction is the transfer of heat energy from one substance to another substance through direct contanct.

Static electricity is the build up of an electric charge on an object.

Conservation of charge is neither created, nor destroyed it only transfers from one place to another

Induction is reasoning from particular experiences to general truths.

meaning nayan hah

7. 1. What do you call to the charts positioned on a worksheet page alongside other data?a. Embedded Chartsb. Chart Areasc. Format ChartsChartsd. Bedded​


A. Embedded Charts


A chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet. Embedded charts are beneficial when you want to view or print a chart or a PivotChart report with its source data or other information in a worksheet.



8. 1. It is a type of chart that is used to show patterns or data in values. a Line Chart c. Bar Chart b. Column Chart d. Pie chart​


Line Chart


What is the best type of chart to show a pattern of data charts?

Use a line chart or an area chart to show changes that are continuous over time. Line charts are the most effective chart for displaying time-series data. They can handle a ton of data points and multiple data series, and everyone knows how to read them.

9. Directions: Arrange the procedure of Pickled - Mixed Vegetables using the end oder word or words at the right side of the flow chart. Write your answer on the flow chant provided for to complete the process.​


[tex] \green{ \rule{10pt}{900000000000pt}} \red{ \rule{10pt}{900000000000pt}} \pink{ \rule{10pt}{900000000000pt}} \orange{ \rule{10pt}{900000000000pt}} \blue{ \rule{10pt}{900000000000pt}} [/tex]















10. it is an eye chart that is used to test visual acuity or how will someone see a number chart bishop charlie snellen chart the word chart​


I don't think so


I think yes because some people cannot test visual acuity

11. it was named after to a French military engineer and physicist Charles Augustin and the SI unit of electric charge with represented by C​


The SI derived unit of quantity of electric charge is the coulomb (symbol: C). The coulomb is defined as the quantity of charge that passes through the cross section of an electrical conductor carrying one ampere for one second.

12. he studied charging by conduction a. humpty dumpty b. charkes coulomb c. humphry davy d. nikola tesla​


d,po sana tama ang sagot ko

13. Complete this chart to trace the causes and effects in following the standard healthappraisal procedure.Cause and Effect ChariarCause(s) of the EventEffects/Results of the Event​


cause of the event:he didn't review the test

Effects/result of the event:He got low score

14. 4. This chart is used is used to compare information which uses horizontal bars to representdata.Line Chartc. Pie Chartb. Column Chartd. Bar Chart​




It represent bars

15. Write on the following with diagrams and charts 1- Laws of chemical combination and Its types 2- Gas laws a- Boyle's law b- Charles law c- general gas law 7 pages

letter A
walay explanation

16. Which of the following is the fastest and easiest way in creating a chart.Wizard Chartb. Embedded Chartc. Chart Aread. Format Chart​



A chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet. Embedded charts are beneficial when you want to view or print a chart or a PivotChart report with its source data or other information in a worksheet.


17. 10. What do you call the chart that tells about the weather components and determines the weather condition at any given time? А. improvised chart C. wind chart temperature chart D. weather chart B. temperature chart​




Brainliest me if you want to so you will get 60%points back from your question.


c po


sure po

ako pa

brainlest po

18. 1. This bar chart runs along the page verticallya. Bar chart b. Line chart c. Column chart d. Pie chart​


its letter C i think

if not just correct it


This bar chart runs along the page vertically


C. COLUMN CHARTBar chart is also called Column chart thats plotted in vertical.

hope it helps:)


19. 10. A balloon gains electron by rubbing against a cloth and then clings to a wall. Doesthis mean the wall is also charaed?a. Yes, the wall is positively chargedb. Yes, the wall is negatively chargedc No, the wall cannot have any charged. None of the above​


a. Yes, the wall is positively charged

20. 5. A chart that is used to measure visual acuity, or how well somebody sees.A color chartC. pie chartB. number chartD. Snellen chart​


cccccccç pooo Jase pice


A. color chart


sana makatutulong ako

21. this chart is used to compare information which uses horizontal bars to represent data. a.line chart b.column chart c.pie chart chart


a po pie chqrt


yan answer jdjdkdejdjdi

22. the following are sample in the filtration of timeline graphic organizer except:a.sequence chart b.chronological chart c.flow chart d.organizational chart​


It's Letter B


If it is arranged chronologically, it won't be called a timeline.

23. Pa answer po please need ko lang talaga now na(Charr lungs pers in a layp time lang to kaya lubos-lubusin mo na chart ulit)​


wah I'm so excited yukihira



basahinmo po para malaman nyo po


pa brain lest na lang

25. 1. What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories?A.Pie Chart B.Column Chart C.Line Chart D.Dot Graph​


C Line Chart


I hope it helpful

Brainlest answer please


b. column chart


i hope its help

26. This bar chart runs along the page vertically a. Bar chart b. Line chart c. Column chart d. Pie chart​


This bar chart runs along the page vertically

CHOICES: a. Bar chart b. Line chart c. Column chart d. Pie chart








27. surrealism instructor charges according to the number of participants if they run 20 participants on below the instructor charges 500 pesos for each participant per month if the number of participants between 20 and 30 a chart is 45 pesos for each participant or if there are 30 participants or more charges charges 50 pesos for each participant for month.please i really need it now​




Step-by-step explanation:

hope it help:)

28. A is easily constructed and can be readily interpreted even by those not familiar with charts. a. Bar Chart b. Pie Chart C. Analytical Chart d. Line Chart​




hope it helps pa brainliest

29. types of charts in chart gallery​


photo chart

bar graph

emage graph

30. what does IMC Strand for?a.individual Measurement Chartb.inrellectual Measurement Chartc.Group Measurement Chartd.Pesronal Measurement Chart​

The answer is letter a

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